Thursday, September 28, 2006


Coming down the Skyline trail. Posted by Picasa


Resting on a special mountain chair. Posted by Picasa


A peek at Mt.Rainier through the autumn leaves. Posted by Picasa


Finally---Mt. Rainier

If you've followed this blog you'll know that we have visited a LOT of National Park sites in the last few years. But we still had never been to our state's premier park. (Even though Kit is a Washington native) So... since we were dropping my friends Carol and Bob at SEATAC airport Tuesday night, we decided to extend our trip and do the Mountain. The trip took a circuitous route--down Whidbey Island, a stop at the locks, some time in downtown Seattle, a visit to the new library, then to SEATAC, and a motel room in Fife (for us--Carol and Bob were headed to New York via Atlanta). Kit decided we should take "the shortcut"-- which proved to be a bit difficult to follow. Since we weren't coming directly from home we did not have lunch or a second water bottle. (We did have jackets and fleeces--totally unneeded)
The day was gorgeous (and hot)-- the perfect day to visit Mt. Rainier. Kit kept telling people he'd waited 62 years for the perfect day. We hiked from Paradise to Panorama Point--a mere 2 miles --UP. But the views and the colors were fantastic. We met a lot of people even though it was midweek. I guess in the summer when the flowers bloom the people are wall to wall. Anyway, I made it to 6800 feet despite the shortage of water. We had a great day. Drove up the freeway and home on the 9:00 ferry. (a rare time when we were glad for a late ferry).

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