Wednesday, November 29, 2006


This tree fell near our trailerport--notice how the notches just fell around this small cedar tree. Posted by Picasa


Here is our house hunkered down in the snow. Posted by Picasa


Staying Home

What a November. We did get in a 5 day trip to Oregon to visit my family--but the day before we left there was a big windstorm on the island. Lots of trees came down and the electricity was still out when we left. We were hardly home (to celebrate Thanksgiving) than another storm blew in--this one with SNOW and wind. More trees are down and the power was out again for 24 hours. We have gotten so we keep a candle burning during the dark hours--just in case. We still have snow on the ground and the temperature has gone up from the teens to the 20's. Anyway--though I put it in my Christmas letter that we were doing two trips to Oregon, the second one was cancelled as we couldn't get off the island. We had planned two weeks at Kit's sister's in Central Oregon but had to be there before they left for Hawaii. Kit wanted to experience winter east of the mountains. Seems like we are experiencing some of that weather at home.

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