Sunday, January 27, 2008


Rain in the desert

I am sitting on a bench outside the library in Borrego Springs where they have wireless internet--but are not open since it's Sunday. We will most likely be off the net until we get to Tucson on the 1st. This is our 4th day at Anza Borrego State Park. Will post some pictures when we get to a more comfortable locale. Last night it poured all night long and is still drizzling most likely all day which is why we are still here--not fun travel weather. This good rain should mean a good wildflower display in another month. Luckily we've had some days of fine weather and some good hikes. Kit is gung-ho to go hiking, even in the rain.

By the way--Wayne had to have a radiator transplant in Indio so now all is well. We hope. They are digging up the sewers in our campground--entertainment?

This turns out to be a good place to learn about geology. I touched some 450 million year old rocks. Photo later.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008



We are now settled in Indio for 2 days. (Free wireless again) This seems to be our bad luck town. Both Kit and I have gotten sick here in different years. This year it is Wayne's turn. It seems the truck is leaking fluids so Kit has spent most of today in the shop somewhere. I am still waiting for him to return as we are supposed to go to dinner with our friends Virginia and Ernie who live in Catherdral City. Last year when we were here it was in the 80's. This year we are just happy for no ice on the windshield in the morning--it's low 60's in the daytime. Yesterday we enjoyed the pool with it's chillier today. At least the sun is shining. The rain seems to be blanketing California and may yet be headed our way.
*I forgot to mention that diesel is CHEAPER the farther south we go.


Monday, January 21, 2008


Oranges and Rain

We are now in Bakersfield under the orange trees. We get to pick a few for the road. Drove down today from Calistoga. It wasn't warm enough for biking but had some nice walks. We visited only one winery--Clos Du Val--which is the "big sister" of our next door winery in France--Domaine de Nizas. Tomorrow we head over the mountain to the desert and down to Indio--where we hear it's not all that warm.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Picnic at the Beach

We had our first picnic of the year along a northern California beach. Frog enjoyed it too.


Down 101

When we got up Tuesday morning in Sweet Home it was 24.5 degrees. The forecast for the valley was cold and foggy--highs in low 40's. Sunny and 50's on the beach sounded better. So we are taking the liesurely way down the coast. Stopped in two state parks in Oregon and tonight we are in Fortuna CA. The hot tub is closed but we get free internet and the brewpub is just a few blocks away. We've already had dinner there. Tomorrow we will arrive in Calistoga and plan to be there for a few days.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Dreaming South

We will be leaving for the warm southland on Sunday morning at high tide--if all goes well. We no longer have dial-up internet service so will be able to post (and recieve e-mail) only where wireless is available. We will be at Far Horizons in Tucson for the entire month of February and have wireless there. The packing and preparations continue to progress. I am recovering from a cold. We are hoping Kit does not get it. The weather next week looks auspicious for travel. We will stop at Camping World in Wilsonville on our way to Sweet Home. Leaving there mid=week we will head down I5 if the pass is clear--probably stopping in Canyonville and Red Bluff. If the pass is snowed in we'll head down the coast and take our usual detour through the Napa Valley. It's always an adventure.

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