Friday, February 29, 2008


Community Life

In this community, like Guemes, there are MANY options for volunteerism. Luckily we are below the radar so don't get asked to do things. Next week there is a "fun day" with a parade and silly games. After I said FHTV had more serious activities. Yesterday we had "sing along" in the pool. Tonight we are going to the "Evening in Paris" dinner and dance. I am hearing snippets from many people who are involved in this event. Also, did I mention there are bake sales here. Ouch. Can't escape potlucks and bake sales.

Tomorrow we head out to the desert back to ORPI. Will miss the pool but not the sirens. Am not sure when we will next have internet. This may be the last update for a long while.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Worn Out Boots

We had another challenging canyon hike yesterday--14 stream crossings and a lot of up and up and climbing on rocks. When we got back I discovered my boots were falling apart. So today we found SUMMIT (the Tucson equivalent of REI) and got some new hiking boots. Now I have to start breaking them in. I've also hurt my knee so no adventurous hikes for awhile though. We are getting ready to leave here on Saturday --and the temperature is now in the 80's.

Monday, February 25, 2008


More Photos (try again)

#1 Kit and Kirsten found these downed Saguaros near the falls in the National Park. #2Can you believe this snowy forest hike was in southern Arizona.


Kirsten's visit

We have just returned from the airport sending Kirsten back on the plane to Seattle. She hated to leave the sun. It has finally turned warm and pleasant. After our trip to Pima Canyon Kit took her out Douglas Springs trail to the falls. Yesterday we drove up Mt. Lemmon. The higher in altitude the higher (relatively) in latitude. Our northern Washington locale is the equivalent of 9000 feet. We only drove to 8000 feet where the hikes were still in the snow. Tried hiking in the snow --and another hike at 5000 feet and then down to 85 degrees in the valley and off to the pool.



These photos are from 2 hikes up Pima Canyon. (once with the hiking club and once with Kirsten) There were 12 creek crossings to maneuver. Kirsten found this nice oak (we think) tree to pose with.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Kirsten comes to Visit

Kirsten flew down to join us for a long weekend. We met her at the airport on Wednesday. The weather is not as spectacular as we would like. Last two days have been a bit on the chilly side. (mid 60's) Thursday we spent the day at the Desert Museum. Today we spent most of the day hiking in Pima Canyon where Kit and I hiked with the group on Tuesday. There are 12 creek crossings. Water is quite high at present. Photos of this trip coming soon.

1.Saw this hawk fly free at the Desert Museum
2. Kit and I in the snow at Madera Canyon last weekend.


Butterfly Sunset

I made this butterfly in stained glass class. Just caught this photo in a rare gorgeous sunset.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008



#1. Kit crossing the bridge for our Sabino Canyon Hike.
#2. Early morning bocce ball.


Sun and Snow--Hike and Bike

It was a very pleasant 74 degrees today --perfect for hiking and pool time. But last Friday was the second rain/snow storm to hit Tucson. We hid out all day. Saturday we went to visit Bob and Gloria in Green Valley and drove up to Madeira Canyon where the kids were up playing in the snow. We hope to be able to drive up Mt. Lemoon before we leave but another storm (20% chance) is on the way.

In between storms we've had some great hike and bike trips. Kit and I went on a nice hike up Sabino Canyon last week. Today we went with the Hiking Club up Pima Canyon. I don't know how many times we had to cross the creek on rocks almost under water. Most of us escaped with only slightly wet feet. It was an interesting hike in a desert riparian area.

Sunday and Monday we biked. Sunday we headed towards town. We had a vague idea of getting to the Gem show but the roads were so torn up we gave up finding Centreville. Instead we went to the U to the Arizona Museum which was most interesting--on Arizona natives and Arizona minerals. Monday we biked out to the NP. This nice ride is all uphill on the way out (less than 7 mi) but a nice coast home. If I did this everyday I would be in good shape.

Kirsten is coming tomorrow and alas the weather is changing. What will be...


Great Granddaddy Saguaro

Tuesday, February 12, 2008



The internet service is a total bum here at Far Horizons but the people are great. It's a "melting pot" of folks from all over the US and Canada. We have met so many people from Michigan--wonder why they are here? :) Sunday night there was the annual COWI potluck. (California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho) All state groups have dinners. We were talking to folks before dinner--some kind of ice-breaker time. Kit discovered that a man sitting at our table actually taught school with his father back in the 50's. Small world.

So now we've met some people from the northwest as well as people who seem to overlap a lot of the activities we've done. Today we went out with the "Hardy Hikers" group of the hiking club. It was a brisk pace up the trail Kit and I did last week. It was a relatively short hike, followed by lunch at the Tanque Verde (dude) Ranch. So we met more people, ate a huge lunch, and lolled around all afternoon.

weather note: The temperature today was 76. But a big cool down is coming on Thursday so we will do some more hiking tomorrow.

Saturday, February 09, 2008



One of these days I will be able to post some pictures. We are still having internet problems. Tucson has a wonderful bike trail along a "river". The Rillito is usually a dry wash but yesterday it had water running. We had a nice 16 mile ride along the trail--and found Trader Joe.

Today was a hiking trail in the National Park. We found the largest Saguaro cactus we have ever seen. Hope to have photos soon.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Joining In

Our internet service has been spotty but we are still here. The bonus of living (even short time) in an RV park/resort is all the activities. Luckily we don't have anything silly here. (My friend Joyce is organizing a "Senior Olympics" in Wellton). This morning I went out to watch the bocce ball players and immediately got drafted into playing. I am not quite pro yet. They meet 3 times a week. I am taking a mini stained glass class so will see how my butterfly turns out. This is something I've always wanted to try. Kit and I are going to ballroom dance classes on Monday night. We are 4 weeks behind so guess we won't be dancing with the stars. We want to join the hiking club but just weren't able to get up enthisasm for heading out at 8am when the temp was well below freezing. We went out on our own 7 mile hike a couple hours later. We also hang out at the pool as much as we can. Last night we went on a sunset hike at the National Park (not an activity of the RV park). Now that the temp is approaching 70 we are ready to try some biking.

Monday, February 04, 2008


City Life

Yesterday, when it wasn't raining we went out to explore our neighborhood. Besides the two grocery stores there are three furniture stores within walking distance. We also found an interesting shop called something like Just Dinner. It seems they sell you 12 meals for less than $200. They buy the ingredients. You come in and fix all the meals and they package them up so you can take them home and fill your freezer. Interesting idea. Won't work for us with our miniscule freezer. Who knows what more city surprises await.


This fat saguaro in Organ Pipe has enjoyed some good winter rains. We are getting them in Tucson today. It's been a winter which will set the stage for some springtime bloom.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Far Horizons

I seem to be only able to add one picture tonight. After two days here in Tucson we are already envisioning a decadent life. A hike or bike in the morning and hanging around the pool in the afternoon. We have a long list of Tucson things to do (which doesn't include either the gem show or the rodeo) and there are also lots of activities here in the park. I was out talking to the Bocce players this morning. It's a lot different than boules--the balls are bigger for one thing. We can walk to two different grocery stores--and a French bakery. I was ready to get my baguette today but there was a VERY long line so we'll try another day. I have a mailbox key--that's how settled we are. Anyone want to send mail?


We went on a new hike in Anza Borrego. Here I am signing the log at the top of the hill.

Friday, February 01, 2008


3 Days at ORPI

We've just arrived in Tucson after a 3 day side trip down to Organ Pipe Cactus NM. It was warmer than home but awfully chilly sitting outdoors for the evening programs. Everything is still the same at ORPI. Almost. Some of our favorite trails are now closed--courtesy of the Border Patrol. I will refrain from editoralizing at this time.


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