Monday, December 29, 2008
Getting Ready
The snow has melted, the wind is blowing frantic, but we still have electricity. A week until we fly to North Carolina and I am in a panic about packing. We've sent off a box with some smaller kitchen stuff and now just have to deal with shoes and clothes and all the electronic gadgets plus our hiking sticks and whatever else we can squeeze in. We will be traveling a little less light than usual. We have been out today dealing with all of the complications of buying a motorhome cross country--talking to the Department of Licensing, our insurance ladies, and our bank (about wiring the money). Everything is set--when we get there we just make phone calls.
Last night I realized that this is the first plane trip in 31 years (that one to San Deigo at Christmas time) that Kit and I have taken inside of the US. (not counting US transfers on our way out of the country). update: Ooops. Kit just reminded me that we flew to Hawaii a few years ago. Guess that has to count as US.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snowed In
We are getting tired of the cold and snow and dreaming of a green Christmas. Here is our house yesterday and the view from the deck. Yesterday it was fun being out in the snow. Today it is snowing and blowing and just plain cold. Luckily we aren't planning to go anywhere in the near future--except hopefully to town for groceries.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Rest of the Story

We are in the processing of purchasing a Navion motor home (like the View we rented last summer) which is in North Carolina. Have plane tickets to fly back on January 7--and will drive it back home via Florida and other sunny warm (we hope) places. Here's a preview photo but the little car is not ours.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
End of an Era
We have just watched Wayne and Alice drive away. (sniff) They will be together and we hope the young man who bought them will take good care and enjoy them as much as we have. I had not expected to sell so soon. They were barely out on Craigslist when the calls started coming. The young man who bought them was the first to come over to the island to take a look. We had to hurry up and clean everything out--and just like that, our long time traveling companions are gone.
I was willing to continue our travels indefinitely or at least until we could get a big rig with room to walk around the bed. (Then the gas prices gave that idea a reality check). But Kit was getting tired of the backing and the hook ups and going out in the rain to start the water heater. He wanted a small and easy to drive motor home. Stay tuned for the "rest of the story".
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Sad sad Sad
Wayne and Alice are up for sale. Kit just put them on Craigslist as a team. We figure it will be easy to sell the truck but not so easy to sell our grand old lady Alpenlite. They have been such a part of our "family" for so long it is hard to even think of letting them go. I shudder with the thought of Alice ending up sitting in some field (un-used and un-loved) like many old rigs we have seen. We are praying for a good buyer.