Thursday, April 23, 2009
At Home, cont.
SUNDAY: 8 am --Old Boys Club. This used to be a huge group of guys waiting for the paper but now it's just Dick and Scotty and Jeannie and I meeting at the store for coffee. Then church and a congregational meeting afterwards. I share the job of secretary so I had to take minutes. Sunday afternoon we took the passenger ferry into town --to the Public Library, where Jill MONDAY: I have a Monday morning walking group. We do the almost 3 mile loop around our "block". Other days of the week I do this walk alone. Monday was a totally gorgeous spring day and I spent all of it working in the yard. (including some sit in the sun with a book time).
TUESDAY: Kit and I take the ferry into town and walk to the store for a few groceries. Then home for lunch and an afternoon out of doors on another gorgeous day. I usually spend the time between 3 and 5 working on sewing projects. I am trying to get Darci's quilt done before her wedding in July but I am really behind after this nice weather. On Tuesday afternoon I meet the kids (Family fun) at the library and tell stories. This takes only 20 minutes but since it's a nice day and I'm on my bike I don't get home until 5. Kit is busy this week washing and waxing Ida and working on some alterations he is making on the motorhome. Then it's Soup Supper at 6. Last week I made soup and next week I am doing the program but this was a "relax and enjoy" week. WEDNESDAY: Quilting day again. Since we don't have a quilt to work on, it's a bit strange.
Steve and Rachel come over to dinner and we barbecue a salmon filet.
and so it goes.
Sometime this week I bought plane tickets to New York and committed to a vacation apartment rental in the City for the last week in June. Stay tuned.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
At Home
I decided early on that this blog would be just about our travels. I keep several written journals as well. HOWEVER, I am thinking today that it might be interesting just to document a week in our life on Guemes. I think I will start with Wednesday as that's about as far back as I can remember clearly. We did make our big off island shopping trip on Monday as our ferry is currently out for its yearly service. (from the 15th to 25th). We now have passenger only ferry service so no car trips this week.
WEDNESDAY (4/15): Wednesday is always quilting day. Kit took the passenger ferry into town for some lab work so I walked down to the ferry (about 3 miles) and picked up the car. Quilting is just up the hill at the church. We finished up the quilt I made for Kirsten and had cake which I brought to celebrate. After I got home at 2:30 we got out the table and chairs for our front porch where I like to sit for my afternoon wine time. It turned out to be somewhat chilly though.
THURSDAY(4/16): Kit spent the morning testing wells on the island. (too complicated to explain) I spent the morning working in Alice's yard. Then we both met for lunch at "The Gathering" . This weekly lunch was started by a group interested in helping older people remain on the island. It turns out that attendees are not only older seniors, but working dudes, and a lot of us younger retireds. Good food, good price, good chance to socialize. Since it was such a nice day, I spent some time after lunch working in our yard. Don and Anne came over for Happy Hour and to see a couple short slide shows I've done with photos from our trip. We opened a Sonoma Cab. (2002) Kit was worried it might be OTH but it was Very Fine.
FRIDAY (4/17) I was a bit worried when it rained most of the night so was quite relieved that the rain had stopped by morning. Friday is my volunteer-in-town day and I had to ride my bike because of the lack of car ferry. I do ride my bike whenever the weather permits. This was the first time I had been on the bike since last fall. It is quite a climb out to Mt. Erie School where I volunteer in the library--but it's a nice coast back to the ferry in the afternoon. And luckily the weather improved. Every Friday night we have dinner at The Store, usually with Mike and Anne, although occasionally we join other friends. Last night we watched our friends Bob and Omi arrive home after over 6 months away on an RV trip around the US. (They were ahead of us on the road). The food was stupendous as it usually is--and there is also live music on most Friday nights.
SATURDAY(4/18) Today Kit went off to a meeting of the "Save the Mountain" group and I stayed home --had planned to do some house de-cluttering but time flies and it was time for my daily walk. After I got home from the usual Loop I took a side trip down to the cove that is our closest beach. Years back I used to go every day when the weather was nice but I confess that last summer I went barely a half dozen times if that. I wanted to check on the beach before the association meeting this afternoon. At 2:15 we have our annual Homeowner's meeting at the Hall. Then tonight at 7 there is a fundraising spaghetti dinner (with music) at the Hall. (The money is for Michael who had an accident with his table saw and lost a finger and nearly a thumb.) It should be interesting. In between I hope to get some sewing time. I usually like to work at sewing projects in the late afternoon--with time out for wine and snacks.
(to be continued)