Tuesday, June 30, 2009


New York, New York

We are just home from our week in New York City and there is a LOT to tell so there will be several posts over the next week. I have yet to look at my photos so will include some later.

Because of an early departure on the morning of June 22 we went down the day before to stay over night. It happened that Johan (our former exchange student "son") , Anki, and Harry were arriving Sunday night so we met them at the airport and they used our car for the week we were gone. They picked us up this morning, then picked up a rental car. They will join us on the island tomorrow.

Meanwhile back at the airport... (we took a 5:30 am shuttle from the hotel for a 7 am flight)--- To make a long story short--we had to wait 5+ hours!! . Our plane had a part that had malfunctioned and by the time they decided to contact the Boeing Factory (duh!) it was not going to arrive until after 2 pm. They put us on another plane (which arrived from somewhere else at noon) which left at 1. So instead of arriving in NYC at 3pm we arrived after 10pm. The owner of the apartment we were renting had to wait and wait for us. (We did call and let her know)
Luckily the flight back left on time. JFK is not nearly as nice an airport as SeaTAc. WE got back to Seattle around 8:30 which is 11:30 Eastern time so we stayed in the same Hotel and came home today.

More later...

More later.\

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Week in New York

On Monday, June 21 we will be flying to New York City for a week.  I am going back for a reunion with friends from grad school and Kit and I are taking the rest of the week to explore the city for the first time since the 60's.  We are renting an apartment on the Upper West Side and not making too many plans --other than to have a good time.  Since we are not taking the laptop, unless we happen on an internet cafe, you may not hear about the trip until we return on the 30th of June.  (at which time we will also be busy getting ready for a visit from Swedish friends)  It's going to be a busy summer.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Rasar State Park

We're just back from our outing to Rasar State Park.  Here are some photos--this is the 6 of us from Guemes who went on the trip.  It turned out to be a very warm time.  Kit and I went on a bike ride on Monday--on a bike trail and then up to a lake.  Mostly we just hung around camp, went for walks, and ate too much.

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