Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Waiting to Leave

Well today was the day we had planned to be on the road on our way south. But the best laid plans, ..... I won't post the whole of the long saga of the malfunctioning washing machine. Suffice it to say that the part we need has finally arrived today. Alas because of the holidays and because of living on an island, we can't get it installed until next Monday. So now we are looking at a departure date of Tuesday Jan. 5th--or maybe Monday afternoon. Meanwhile we are off to the Laundromat in town again tomorrow.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas Greetings

As we get ready for our trip south I must re-learn how to use the Dell laptop we use to communicate on the road. I have gotten spoiled with the new mac at home. With luck I will be able to post a family portrait taken on Christmas Eve.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Short Vancouver Trip

We made an overnight trip to Vancouver to celebrate Kit's birthday. Spent Sunday afternoon at the Museum of Anthropology. Had a fine dinner out at the Banana Leaf (Malaysian) with Kirsten and Katie. We stayed in our favorite hotel--the Sylvia. (3rd floor). It was all decked out for Christmas.

We had planned to stay 2 nights but the weather forecast was doom and gloom (lots of snow and freezing rain) so we headed home a day early. Here we are crossing the border at the Peace Arch. Alas, of course.. the bad weather did not come.

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