Friday, February 26, 2010
Tohono Chul
Yesterday we went out to visit friends and on the way stopped at this park which is a lovely nature spot. Kit found this great water storage idea--pipe in concrete seems better than the rows of plastic barrels.
On the Beach
Tuesday we went hiking on a flat dry trail in Saguaro East--the home of the granddaddy saguaros. But there is plenty of water running in the creeks --I found this nice beach.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Downtown Tucson
Saturday, February 20, 2010
North to Phoenix
We are just back from a 3 day trip up to Scottsdale /Carefree (north of Phoenix). Our friends Paul and Charlotte (from Guemes) have a house near Carefree and we see them there more than we do at home. They invited us up for a couple days. Thursday night we went out to dinner and to a concert in the town center. (A classic music band—class Beatles that is). Friday we had a small hike to see some old Hohokam ruins—and later in the day an outing to Total Wine (a mega wine store) where we restrained from filling our car with wine. Today (Saturday) we are back in Tucson—after a diversion into Scottsdale for breakfast. We had breakfast with my cousin Cathy, her husband Jim, and granddaughter Elizabeth. By my best recollection I haven’t seen Cathy since we were in high school, though we’ve seen her twin Virginia a number of times. We both have daughters named Kirsten (same spelling different pronunciation). We drove back in another of those Arizona rainstorms. The wash behind us has running water as does the street in front of us. Hopefully I can make it to the computer room without getting wet feet.
Old Joints
On one of our hikes we met a couple who informed us of their discovery that their joints weren’t as flexible as when they were 35. Hmmm.. When we did the hike up Agua Caliente (only 2 mi up and 2 miles back) my old joints sure felt it. But it was a nice hike—after we spent nearly an hour trying to find the trailhead. We would like to have more time for hiking but lots going on..
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Use your imagination
We had a car outing today--up Kitt Peak where all of the big telescopes are. I took lots of photos but not ONE SINGLE ONE turned out. Not only does my computer hate me but now the camera doesn't like me. We expected COLD at almost 7,000 feet but it was quite pleasant. I chose to go on the guided tour ($7.75) but Kit would not. He did the self guided tour instead. My tour only got to go to one of the telescopes --the 2 meter one. I enjoyed the tour as I like getting my information from a person rather than a sign. But it was not near as cool as the MacDonald Observatory. So if you get a choice--go to Texas. Kitt Peak has a night viewing option but it is $44 per person and really cold there at night in February.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Just Visiting
We are still hanging out. Friday we went to Green Valley to visit our friends Bob and Gloria. Saturday we went to visit our friends Ken and Louise at their place in NW Tucson. (These are friends from our Eugene days whom we haven't seen in 20 years or so.) Last night (Valentine's Day) we crashed the Canadian potluck party as honorary Canadians. This morning Kit is off getting the oil changed on Ida and I am temporarily homeless. (and hanging out in the computer room). We did have one adventure--biked down to the Univ. or Arizona (about 18 mi rt), to visit the Center for Creative Photography (which turned out to be mostly closed), have lunch, listen to some music and bike back home. Sorry there is not more to report.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It has rained 3 times since the first of the month in Tucson. Not the kind of rain we get at home but the kind of rain where if you go out in it you are instantly soaked to the skin. Luckily it lasts only one day--and the next day is gorgeous. Today however, the residual cool cloudy from yesterday's rain is hanging in. We'll find some kind of an outing.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Yesterdays Hike
Yesterday we hiked up the Douglas Springs Trail as far as the Bridal Veil Falls (photo) Lots of water after all the rain we've had. Then we took a side trip to see Ernie's Falls (a new trail). Sorry Ernie, but the photo I took wasn't good enough to post. The whole hike was 6.3 miles.
Today we did another 5.1 mile hike out in Sabino Canyon. I didn't get any photos worth posting. We did hikes two days in a row because tomorrow it is supposed to rain again.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
The Gem Show
I have lost count of how many years we have been coming to Tucson in February--and Avoiding the Gem Show. The Tucson Gem and Mineral show is the biggest in the WORLD. It is the reason that hotels and rental cars are impossible. Between the rain and the super bowl we thought today might be a good day to try it. We have not quite figured it out--appparantly there are venues all over town. But we were told that Electric Park was a good place to start and so that's where we went. We easily found a place to park but because of the mornings rain there was a lot of stepping over puddles--the floors were wet even under the tents. What can I say but WOW. Imagine hundreds of vendors selling just about everything imaginable. Tools for rock hunting and saws for rock cutting, Huge bins of raw rock/minerals everywhere, strings of beads beyond belief, carved things, tye dyed T shirts, crystals, slabs of rock, jewelry, pieces for making jewelry. Our favorite were these huge outdoor sculpture things--made of HUGE pieces of crystal, and rock of all kind--pieces of petrified wood you cannot imagine. Why didn't we take the camera?? Buddhas carved from stone, boxes and vases. Oh--and the fossils. I was blown away by the fossils. Real fossils of leaves, and fish, huge slabs with tons of fossils in them, copies of dinosaur skulls. Rocks sold by the pound, kilo, table, and box. (This is a show largely for dealers but some venues like this are open to the general public.) Enough on that topic. Tomorrow looks to be a sunny day. That's the way rain comes here--after one day of rain you are back to sitting by the pool.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
The Good Life
... is not much to write home about. Our days are not so full of adventure when we are not on the road. We did a bike ride today--I made it the seven miles UP to Saguaro East and Kit did the 8 mile loop as well. It's a nice coast home. Earlier in the week we did a short hike (also UP) at Saguaro East as well. Yesterday we had lunch with Bob and Omi (Guemes Neighbors) and their son Bruce. Then we went to Trader Joes. That's about as exciting as it gets. Mostly we hang around the pool in the afternoon, sit in the sun reading,.. etc. I play bocce ball 3 mornings a week. Oh yes--our big Saturday night excitement is Walking to Home Depot. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain. But it only rains one day at a time here and then the sun comes back.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Today was the day of the "rent a wreck". Never come to Tucson in February and expect to get a hotel room or rental car. Gem show week everything doubles in price. We managed to track down a local company that would rent us a "not perfect" car. Kit called it the undercover car--it was a dark blue Daewoo. (Ever heard of that one). Dings and scratches we could live with but the interior stunk so badly of cigarette smoke that the 20 minute drive across town about did us in. This afternoon we took it back and luckily got "upgraded" to a silver Dodge Neon with comfortable seats and NO smell. It's still not a perfect car, but...
While we had the first car we went to a foam shop downtown to upgrade our bed. The foam on top of the cushions sagged in the middle and was not good for my back. We'll see how we sleep on the new one tonight.
It rained all day today--not much of a rain but not sit by the pool weather for sure. A good day to deal with upgrades. As our reward--we went out to eat at a wonderful Vietnamese restaurant we discovered 2 years ago. It's still here and thriving.
While we had the first car we went to a foam shop downtown to upgrade our bed. The foam on top of the cushions sagged in the middle and was not good for my back. We'll see how we sleep on the new one tonight.
It rained all day today--not much of a rain but not sit by the pool weather for sure. A good day to deal with upgrades. As our reward--we went out to eat at a wonderful Vietnamese restaurant we discovered 2 years ago. It's still here and thriving.
Monday, February 01, 2010
The Good Life
It has not been as easy as we thought to get a rental car (at an affordable price). Kit is sure it will happen eventually. In the meantime we have our bikes and our feet. My morning walk was to the quilt shop, where I had to peruse and schmooz and buy some fabric. Kit biked to the bike shop and bought some new bike shorts (He left all his biking clothes at home). I liked them so much we made a trip this afternoon and got a pair for me. Now we are twins. On the way back we stopped at the market for a bottle of wine and at the French bakery for some croissants. I can get used to this city life. If we get a car, we can go to restaurants galore—and Trader Joes. Meanwhile, back in our Park—it’s off to the pool (and hot tub) and back for “Happy Time”. I guess we are going to miss the dancing tonight—Kit’s foot still bothers him. (from stepping on a rock hiking in OPRI).
Internet here is a bit slow. Not sure if I can post photos but haven't taken any anyway.
Internet here is a bit slow. Not sure if I can post photos but haven't taken any anyway.
Over the Mountains
Waiting out a morning shower, we left San Diego on Saturday, and followed I.8 over the mountains. There was still a dusting of snow on the ground at the passes but the rain was behind us. We diverted to Agua Caliente, (ie hot springs) a country park where we’ve wanted to go for years. Even though it was a weekend and there were plenty of boy scouts camping it was a quiet and pleasant place. Kit headed to the hot pool and I took a hike through a wet canyon. Sunday we headed into Borrego Springs and visited the Visitor Center but did not dally. We were curious to revisit Salton City where we have spent many pleasant hours. Got in some great bike riding there but the hot pools are a mess and the park in general is not in such good shape. The surprise was all the flying machines—We saw maybe 6 up in the air and were told there would be over 100 by Thursday. I didn’t get a good photo but imagine guys with giant fans strapped on their backs underneath a parachute or paraglide type thing.
Finally Arizona
Monday we drove to Arizona—with quite a few diversions. Stopped for the night (late for us) at the Painted Rocks Campground (BLM) –at $4 a night it was certainly a best buy. Next stop—Organ Pipe Cactus NM (one of our favorite places in the world) . I am writing this from ORPI but won’t be able to post it until we reach Tucson. We planned 3 nights here but may decide to make it 4. This is one of the friendliest places we have ever been and Kit is still out visiting though it is nearly dinner time. Didn’t take us long to catch up on the news. Wayne and Judy, who have been camp hosts all of the 7 years we have been coming here, are not back this year and they have been through 3 couples with the 4th to arrive soon. It sure tempts us to re-up our volunteer application. Either tomorrow or the next day we will head to Tucson where we plan to spend a month.
Waiting out a morning shower, we left San Diego on Saturday, and followed I.8 over the mountains. There was still a dusting of snow on the ground at the passes but the rain was behind us. We diverted to Agua Caliente, (ie hot springs) a country park where we’ve wanted to go for years. Even though it was a weekend and there were plenty of boy scouts camping it was a quiet and pleasant place. Kit headed to the hot pool and I took a hike through a wet canyon. Sunday we headed into Borrego Springs and visited the Visitor Center but did not dally. We were curious to revisit Salton City where we have spent many pleasant hours. Got in some great bike riding there but the hot pools are a mess and the park in general is not in such good shape. The surprise was all the flying machines—We saw maybe 6 up in the air and were told there would be over 100 by Thursday. I didn’t get a good photo but imagine guys with giant fans strapped on their backs underneath a parachute or paraglide type thing.
Finally Arizona
Monday we drove to Arizona—with quite a few diversions. Stopped for the night (late for us) at the Painted Rocks Campground (BLM) –at $4 a night it was certainly a best buy. Next stop—Organ Pipe Cactus NM (one of our favorite places in the world) . I am writing this from ORPI but won’t be able to post it until we reach Tucson. We planned 3 nights here but may decide to make it 4. This is one of the friendliest places we have ever been and Kit is still out visiting though it is nearly dinner time. Didn’t take us long to catch up on the news. Wayne and Judy, who have been camp hosts all of the 7 years we have been coming here, are not back this year and they have been through 3 couples with the 4th to arrive soon. It sure tempts us to re-up our volunteer application. Either tomorrow or the next day we will head to Tucson where we plan to spend a month.