Monday, January 31, 2011


Dying cowboy

This ancient saguaro was on our hiking trAil in the NP today. Chilly and a small shower but good hiking dAy

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Bike ride

We did a 21 mile bike ride today. A new ride on nice bike path but got a bit lost trying to find Rubios for lunch.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Fun in the Sun

I don't have much to report today. Kit took a bike ride out to Saguaro National Park. I played bocce--same players as last year and the year before. The older ladies (the venerables) who still play are really good and whupped us. (Kit doesn't play--it was Dwayne and John and I got beat) Went to the pool a little earlier today as it's starting to cool. Forecast is talking 50's next week. We plan a bike ride tomorrow--hope to have a photo to post--and hopefully some hiking next week.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Settled in Tucson

We pulled into Far Horizons yesterday and spent today just enjoying the weather--mid 70's today but cooling next week. It's like dropping into a time warp. Same people in the pool. Same weekly events. It's pleasant to find this sameness.
Alas, on our way here Kit wanted to detour to ORPI to talk to the "bosses" there about what we could do to "hit the ground running". What a shock. Instead of being welcomed and supported and offered assistance we were thrown road blocks. Not a bit of positive interaction. We were expected to embrace the "new" NPS policy of having written goals and objectives. OK. Not like I hadn't done enough of that 30 years ago. But the programs I spent years working on are not valid because I didn't write these goals and objectives FIRST. Both Kit and I have worked for all kinds of administrators and can play the games--but why when we are retired. We are both in agreement that we really don't want to work for these people. So now what do we do for 3 months? Enjoy the sun I guess.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Hank is still here. He is my favorite cactus at Orpi. Many other things here are not the same. This time tomorrow we will be in the hot tub in Tucson.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011



We have arrived at Organ Pipe after a lot of driving. It is like coming home. Here two days and then Tucson for a month.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Drivers enemy

Fog!! Hit pea soup fog on #5 this morn. Could barely see Kit ahead of me. Then on 2 lane road to Bakersfield. Got worse !! Finally it cleared and we headed up Tehachapi and on to Mohave. No photos today.
Sent from my iPhone

Friday, January 21, 2011



We are making only short distances each day it seems. Today was 194 mi. But the temperature is rising--mid 60's in the Napa Valley. Much as we love Calistoga we are making only a short stop here--long enough to stock up on books from my favorite book store, grab a few bottles from the Wine Garage, and have dinner at Pacifico--a fine California Mexican restaurant. The staples in the restaurant business seem to stick it out here in Calistoga.

It is a snap posting photos from my iPhone so have included lunch stops from the last two days.


Lunch stop

We stopped for lunch today in the parking lot of the old Italian Swiss colony. 62f.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Test from phone. California coast


Finally California

We finally got the car at noon on Wednesday and headed post haste to the coast. Stayed last night at Bullards Beach State Park. The sun was out (and shining in my eyes) when we got there yesterday afternoon. This morning it was 29 degrees and my car was covered with ice. But the sky is blue and it quickly warmed up. This was a good driving day--little traffic and amazing scenery but we both get groggy after 200 miles so this won't be a quick trip. We've stopped for the night in Fortuna--Riverwalk RV--a favorite place because there is a walking path along the river and a brewpub around the block.

I have discovered that in order to post from my iPhone I have to send an e-mail to blogger. Will try that later. We have wireless here and it's much easier to type on a real keyboard. Tomorrow we will make it to Calistoga!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Stuck in Eugene

We are not making much progress. Three days sitting in Eugene. And now it is raining.
I have tried making entries with my new iPhone-so far without success. That is one of the things I wanted the phone for. If you see any strange entries--it's me still working on the iPhone--trying to type with one finger--and get beyond the title line. At least I can make phone calls-- and receive and respond to e-mails.

So, why are we in Eugene. It is a moral lesson--do NOT defer maintainance on your car. We stopped here to take Jaz (the red car) to our old mechanic. There were so many things that needed taking care of that we will be paying for a "new" car but driving the old one away. We are still waiting for a last important part to arrive--something to do with the fan. Sigh. Hopefully it will come tomorrow. We have visited a few friends, walked a bit, hung out at Home Depot for most of an afternoon. .. Bored!

Two nights (including tonight) we camped at Armitage Park where they have WiFi. Last night we tried dry camping in the parking lot at Valley River Center which was fun and the first time we've ever done anything like that. It's a great spot--near the river and the bike trails--next to the mall for brainless entertainment--and the cinema where I couldn't find anything I wanted to see--and restaurants, etc. We decided to go out to breakfast this morning at Marie Callenders. There was a group of WWII vets in a back room. Kit thought one of them looked like our friend Ed. It was! Small world. We went over to their house to visit later.

My iPhone says it's 42 in Anacortes, 63 in Calastoga, and 75 in Tucson. Hopefully we'll get south soon.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


TWO Vehicles on the road

I thought it would be a grand adventure: driving the red car to Arizona. After a day and a half I am thinking it was a really STupid idea. But we are committed. This is a ONE time only deal though. The first day is always the hardest with all the traffic and metro areas and horrid weather to boot--a spitty day on the freeway. We made it as far as Champoeg State park--the rain had stopped --and it was warm--so we got in a nice walk. (Bummer--OR state parks charge an extra $5 for a vehicle without a tow bar) Today we just came as far as Sweet Home where my mom lives. Good day not to be on the freeway--it has been raining steadily all day. (On Guemes it only rains an hour at a time :) ) No photos yet--imagine gray skies,and rain. And miles of highway. Tomorrow afternoon we move the short distance to Armitage Park in Eugene. Jaz, the red car, has an appointment with Pat, the mechanic.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Leaving Tomorrow (Friday)

The big snowstorm we expected did not happen. Although there was snow Tuesday night it was gone by the morning. Now it's just warmer and rainy--typical winter weather. We picked Friday as our departure day. We have been loading the motor home for over a week and now we have to reverse the process as we find we need things already packed. Hopefully all will be ready by the morning. We will arrive in Sweet Home on Saturday for a visit with my mom--and then go down to Eugene Sunday night. That's the plan so far.

Saturday, January 08, 2011


Ready, Set, Wait?

The weather this past month has been quite awesome (in the rainless sense) but now as we prepare to leave for Arizona the storms are on the way. The debate over when to leave continues--ahead of Wednesdays possible snow--or behind it on Saturday. I am not yet mentally prepared to leave although we've made strides on the packing. (And I have 4 commitments on Monday) We are taking it one day at a time.

We will be heading directly (more or less) to Arizona as we will both be driving. We've decided to take Jaz (our Volvo) rather than rent a car in Tucson. We still haven't found a car we can tow. I am planning to stop in Eugene and buy an iPhone so I can post and check e-mail when we are away from wireless.

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