Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Valley of the Gods

On the advice of the same people who suggested our camp we did a driving tour on a 16 mile dirt road through some of the most amazing rock formations. This photo was taken at our lunch stop but doesn't do it justice. I took the equivalent of several rolls of film on my camera.


Free camping

This photo shows the whole of Goosenecks State Park though it doesn't show the river meandering through the canyon far below. We are the rig just to the left of the road. We came here with Some people from Hoquiam who we met at Dead Horse Ranch and again last night in Monument Valley. Alas it is cloudy so no awesome sunset. We have a star app which we have been waiting to try out. Nothing but dark out here but if the clouds don't move on we will not see the stars.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Monument Valley

We had planned to spend the night in a free campground in Navaho National monument but when we got there it was 7300 feet and cold. So we came on to Gouldings in Monument Valley which is not cheap but in a lovely location. We can see in the distance the spires of cowboy movie country.

Monday, March 28, 2011


New Nationals

They told us allow 3 hours to do the driving loop through Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monument. We arrived at the Visitor Center at 9 am and got back to camp at 3pm. Lots to see. No great hikes but lots of short interpretive trails. Sunset Crater reminds us of Central Oregon--but Wupatki is pure Pueblo Southwest. We are overloaded on information--there was an excellent Visitor Center and many interpretive signs. The Volcano is relatively young--exploding about the time (late 1100's) when the ancient pueblo people were here.

This evening we went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant which happened to be donating 10% of proceeds to an elementary school so there were lots of kids--and no seniors in sight. \

Tomorrow we plan to head to another national monument--Navaho. No idea when we will next have any connectivity. We are heading into the great cell dead zone.


7300 feet

First thing this morning we climbed 300 feet up for this awesome view in Sunset crater NP. We had a grand day in two national monuments. More photos later.

Sunday, March 27, 2011



Today we drove up to Flagstaff--less than 2 hours away, spent the rest of the morning trying to level Ida, and the afternoon in Walnut Canyon National Monument. There are a lot of cliff rooms here from the Sinagua people in around 1200. Since we have WiFi here I can do several photos at once.


Yesterdays photos

Yesterday's Bike ride to Tzuigoot National Monument

Saturday, March 26, 2011


4 day park

This is our 4th day ay Dead Horse. Our tanks are ok because we have showers a few steps away. It has been cloudy and windy all day but now there are some nasty looking clouds.
This morning we rode our bikes to Tuzigoot Nat. Monument which is a ruins we can actually see from the hill above the camp. We thought we would ride on the highway--5 miles or so - but it turned out there was a very adventurous trail between here and there. It is really awesome but all my photos are on the camera not the phone
Next adventure was driving into old town Cottonwood to the bike shop. Had a marvelous lunch at the Red Rooster
From there we went to Safeway where there was an RV show on the parking lot. Looked at the new View like ours. And really liked the Winnebago Vista which is a 26 ft class A.
Kit has had bad luck. Broke the kickstand on his bike, had a flat tire, his glasses fell apart, and he had to fix our screen door. Tomorrow we go to Flagstaff where it is still below freezing at night

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Friday, March 25, 2011



We took the car today over the mountains but not far away. Took an hour and a half to go 44 miles on scenic 89a. We didn't think it was that scenic unless you like hairpin turns and looking straight down. We are about 3500ft here and the pass was 7000ft. Prescott is over 5000ft. We went to visit my cousin Virginia and Bob. Here we are outside of the restaurant where we had lunch. It turns out that Prescott is a wonderful old town with diagonal parking, a courthouse square, and Victorian houses. We hope to spend more time there exploring some year.

Thursday, March 24, 2011



Just to say we had done it we drove a ways up Oak Creek canyon. Don't even remember the last time we saw running water in the wild



Today was our hike on Sedona day. On the way into town we stopped at a "tourist information " which turned out to be a deal-- listen to our long spiel on a time share resort and get free tickets on a scenic railroad tour. Beware! Luckily we found the real Chamber of commerce where we got good hiking advice. We had a really awesome 5 mile hike up and around the red rocks. Totally perfect hike. Perfect weather too. Too bad you have to drive through the chaos of Sedona.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Creeping north

We stayed in Cave Creek an extra day and moved today about 90 miles north to Dead Horse Ranch. ( see photo of campground). At this rate we have been moving less than 200 miles per week. We are now at about 3400 feet so it is definitely cooler but the sun shines. Out of the saguaro and into juniper and pinyon but still desert. After 2 days of 6 mile walks I am taking it easy today. Kit took off on his bike on some mountain trAils. We are staying here at least 4 days

Monday, March 21, 2011



We were so excited to see a blooming hedgehog today. This is why we wanted to be at Orpi to see the cactus bloom. Now we will be leaving cactus country.


What is this wet stuff

We have been rained upon for the first time since we crossed into California in mid January.
Back up. We drove up to Cave Creek on Sunday to beat the Phoenix traffic. At 60 miles a whack we aren't making much progress. We arrived at 10 and had our spot by 11. This is a place where the usual wait is 2 days We spent the afternoon with our friends Charlotte and Paul and music at the mall.
Today we went out for a short hike in 40% rain. 5 1/2 miles later it turned into 100% rain and we got soaked. This afternoon we went to the wine shop. Getting stocked up for Utah.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011


Third day

Kit wanted to do the hike up siphon draw trail to the basin at 3100 feet. We only got to 2800 feet on Thursday. So he went. So did a hundred other people but he said it was still nice. I did the same loop we did yesterday.
This afternoon we decided to be tourists. Nearly just across the highway is this fake ghost town. We can hear the whistles and gunshots from here. We were pleasantly surprised. There is old mining stuff and old buildings you can wander and look at without any cost. Even the museum was free (donations accepted). There were a few souvenir shops but you didn't have to go in. On the hour there is a "show" gunfight. Unlike Tombstone you don't have to pay And they don't take it seriously--just a lot of noisy fun. It is quiet here tonight. We have no neighbors. Moving on tomorrow

Friday, March 18, 2011


Two day camp

The Dutchman is a two day campground. After two days we ran out of things to do. So we are staying one more day. We were going to move to Usury Mt but it's a 2 day wait just to get in. Had a wonderful morning hike today from the camp. It was only 3.5 mi. Hard to get more in without repeating loops. And there are so many people on the trails. We got caught by several people for wearing green the day after St Pats. I said we didn't have enough shirts to wear a different one every day

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Yesterdays Excitement

We barely got into our 2nd campsite when the road was closed for this big crane. We watched 3 section of the new bathroom flying through space. In this photo the last piece is on the ground but straps still on. We met a mother and 2 children on bikes. Boy was really excited about being a junior ranger and finding all this cool nature stuff. He was not at all interested in giant cranes or flying bathrooms.
No sign of any work today.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Lost Dutchman

An almost full moon over the Superstition Mountains. Coyotes howling and yapping all around us. We have come to the Lost Dutchman State park. Managed to get a good spot on the second try. Took off on a little hike before lunch and went up and up and up so finally turned around. After siesta time we drove up the Apache trail for a ways. Awesome geology. Water in the reservoirs

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


On the road again

We are no longer in Tucson. Made it about an hour and a half north where it is even hotter. Driving was not bad--traffic light--but it is hard to be both navigator and driver. And my CD changer wasn't working.
We discovered Desert Gardens RV when we started coming to AZ. Many changes since then. A new pool for one thing. Apparently in our 4 year absence the place was sold but now is back with original owners. Did laundry since we see many public parks in the near future. And went into town to a Mexican restaurant which has been in Florence forever.
Moving again early in the morning.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Gates pass

Gates Pass is the steep windy road you see in the background here. We don't often go this way. But there is a steady stream of cars and bikes who do it. We did 4.8 miles today on our last Tucson area hike. The trail was called Golden Gate and went across the desert to Gates pass road and then up the hill some for the views. I like a bit of view with my hikes. Speaking of Views the Winnebago View is a twin to our rig. There have been several in this campground. We talked to some owners from Ca on their way east and north. Never a shortage of people to talk to in public campground. Last night we talked to a guy with an old Alpenlite like ours. He was from Eugene and sailed on Fern Ridge when we were still sailing there

Monday, March 14, 2011


Another hike

We are now on the west side of Tucson (unseen over the mts). Many new hiking opportunities here. We went out today on a short hike with Joan P. We have discovered that the iPhone does not talk to our computer so we can't get the star app that Kit really wants. So we spend the eves indoors

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Goodbye to the pool

We are leaving this morning goodbye to the pool. This was taken early Sunday morning By mid afternoon it will be filled with groups of visiting people but not us. Last night the pool was surrounded be tables and chairs for the luau and rafts of candles floated on the water. We are pool people every afternoon but now we return to the world of dry. We are starting by going back to Gilbert Ray

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Frog camping

Frog got to go camping with.Kirsten last Sunday

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


River park

Tucsons Rillito River is mostly dry. But a nice bike trail runs along it and lots of park space. Today we loaded our bikes on the new bike rack and went riding here again. Alas due to construction we couldn't get to the park where we had planned lunch. Instead we found this new picnic area. I don' t know if the shelter shows in this photo. Liked the sign with peaks in the Catalina mountains The natives called them Babad Do'ag which means sleeping frog. Our frog got to sleep in the mountains on a camping trip with Kirsten

Monday, March 07, 2011


Kirsten's last day

I am miserable with allergies. Kirsten took the car up into the Catalinas for a camping experience. Kit went bike riding this morning. This afternoon we went on a small hike in the national park to see the lime kilns. Easy trail. What I was up to. During years of operation the kilns require a Lot of firewood so many many mesquite trees were burned. They closed in the 20s because of loss of cattle fodder. It was later they discovered this burn led to decline in saguaros. Young saguaros need nurse trees to survive.

Saturday, March 05, 2011


Some hike

The plan today was to hike into Sycamore Reservoir up in the Catalinas. (On the Arizona trail as this sign explains). Alas my ankle/leg was giving me problems so K and K continued alone and I went back to the car where I had a book to occupy the time. It was a Really Windy day--not conducive to sitting in the outdoors. (at 4800 ft)


Biosphere 2

Kirsten wanted to see Biosphere 2. Kit and I had been there years ago. This was a totally different experience. It is too complicated to figure out the ownership but there is a brand new visitor center and on this tour we actually got to go inside the biomes. We had a great tour guide and learned about the human experiment in the 90's as well as current research. Plus we got to go down into the basement to see the innards of this engineering marvel. The Lung was really cool. The only disappointing bit was that they advertised a "Cafe" on site. We had expectations. What we found was a b grade snack bar with candy and pop and cold hot dogs if you were really desperate --we weren't. (the little "houses" were part of an experiment with green roofs--we got to help.)

Thursday, March 03, 2011


Kirsten is here

Last night we waited and waited at the airport for Kirstens flight. This morning after bocce we went on a hike from Sabino Canyon up the Esperero trail. It was much warmer than the last time we did this hike with lots of climbing. Here is Kirsten getting friendly with a saguaro

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