Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Latest Update

I have finally thought to log onto Harrys computer so I do not have to type with one finger on the phone. We have taken many photos and when I get home I will post some. We have been several days in Lund at Johans apartment. I have been not too well as I have caught a cold from Kit. One day we did nothing but rest after our travel down the west coast of Bohuslan where it rained and rained. We visited the fortress as Warberg near the sea where the wind blew so hard I had to have Kits help to walk back to the car. Yesterday we braved the elements and took the bus into central Lund. We started out on a walking tour but ended up spending several hours at a cultural museum where they have houses from many periods of history. Yesterday evening we went on an outing to IKEA where we had dinner (meatballs of course). And we found our sauna thermometer in Bauhaus which is a cool Home Depot like store. We have found the perfect showers in Sweden everywhere. I wish I could bring one home. Why don't we have these in US. It is so simple--two glass doors that meet when you wish to shower and fold into the corner when you are not using the shower making a much bigger bathroom. Just what we need. Now we are packing to go to the summer house in Ljunghusen where we will stay most of the next week. We will not have internet there.


In Lund

We have been 2 days with Johan in Lund. It rains. I have a cold. TOMorrow we go to the summerhouse. No wifi

Tuesday, August 30, 2011



We drove down the west coast where we had not been before. There were many cute fishing villages and a free ferry. The weather was like the Oregon coast in November, wind and rain. We made several cool, unexpected discoveries. We are at Johan's apartment in Lund for two days and then we will go to the family summer house at the beach.

Friday, August 26, 2011



Spent my 65th birthday in the Car-- In the rain. Stopped at a very nice park midday . Staying in this hotel in. Amal. Noisy.


Motel 3!

Another day in the rain in Dalarna. Only got as,far as Mora,  Swedish hotels are really expensive. But we found this,really,cheap motel



From.Uppsala we went north to Dalarna where we found a wonderful hotel in a beautiful village on a lake. Next day we went to the horse factory ,

Monday, August 22, 2011


Wedding on the rocks

Here is a photo of the wedding. We are all dressed in our finest and standing on rock.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Finnhamn to Uppsala

Yesterday we were at the wedding at Finnhamn. Today we have traveled on ferry and train and are at a hotel in Uppsala. I hope to be able to post a photo from the wedding. It was quite a cultural experience. With lots of drink and no cake. Formal dress but the wedding was out of doors. We actually knew quite a few people who were there.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Last night in Stockholm

We are leaving in the morning for the wedding and will be on an island with no internet. Sunday eve we are booked in a hotel in Uppsala so have a lot of transportation time that day.

Today it did not rain in the morning as predicted but waited until late afternoon. We went to the museum anyway. It was a bit old and boring and torn up replacing exhibits--but we did learn a few things and enjoy our time there. I am still having money card problems. My card works as credit but not in the ATM. More phone calls to US help. Our phone also died for awhile but seems to be working again. Nothing but tech troubles. Had to figure out how to use laundry machines, microwave, stove, and dishwasher today.

After the museum and a hot dog from a street vendor we went on a boat tour around the harbor--a nice hour rest from walking. Back at the hotel--Had a beer in a new bar not far away and meatballs in the microwave. Wish us luck.


Iffy Weather

There is a real computer in our hotel and will take advantage while waiting for laundry. This is our last day in Stockholm and we had planned to go to Millesgarden but the weather looks very damp for the afternoon and it is likely we will be soaked again--so I think we are going to the museum instead--only a 15 minute walk. We have been busy learning technology beyond our ken. We finally got help with using an overseas card on our cell phone so was able to call the bank. Now I have had to learn how to make an @ sign on this computer keyboard. In our hotel room you must put your room card into a slot to get electricity. And push a timer button to operate any appliances. Kit has gone already to the store and gotten meatballs and potato for supper. We are waiting for the laundry to end. In the city you must pay 10kr (1.50) to use the toilet but here in the hotel the laundry machines are free. Tomorrow we are off to the wedding and Sunday night we have a hotel in Uppsala. Stockholm is very zooey so we are ready to leave.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Good news

After blood sweat and tears I have my money card back. Bank had blocked it


Lunch with Lars and Emma

Walked into the city for lunch. Found one quiet place. Got soaked walking home

Wednesday, August 17, 2011



Spent most of day in skansen. Now drink beer in bar with shooting gallery


Send no money

I was tempted to send email from illiterate.  I
Nigerians. Here we are in one of most  ve. Countries In world and we have no money. My bank card is just plastic. Lu kily kit has a spare until we solve pro lem

Thursday, August 11, 2011



We are leaving on Monday for Sweden. I have tested the new phone and it seems I will be able to post to the blog when we have WiFi available. It is quite slow though so posts will be short. I will post photos when we return as the camera in this phone is not so good as my iPhone. We have finished our packing but now we find the weather is not so great there--so I may swap shorts for more long pants and that will be a guarantee of fine weather.

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