Monday, November 21, 2011


Sweet home

After the paint work we went to visit Nana. Then a stop at REI in Portland and back on the freeway heading home

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Painting ghosts

Kit and I have been painting for 2 1/2 days at Millis. 8 hour days plus overtime. These Hopi paint ghosts are the result of trying many paint samples. We had to cover them over.

Thursday, November 17, 2011



The price of stopping at Jantzen beach! We are barely crawling and it is after 9 am.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Jantzen Beach

We are on our way to Salem. Didn't leave until 10:15--after Kit's presentation for Men's breakfast.
It was a wet dreary driving day. We stopped here--just north of Portland after 4--already near dark. Jantzen Beach is now jammed with hotels and mega stores. Once there was not much here but the original REI. Before that Jantzen Beach was synonymous with amusement park. But Kit says he remembers when it was Vanport, the second largest city in the state. It was built during WwII for shipyard workers--the largest public housing project in the US. It was flooded out in 1948 leaving a huge number of black workers without a place to live in this racially prejudiced state. So I just learned on the net

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