Thursday, March 22, 2012


Childrens park

Yesterday we did a 29 mile bike ride--mostly on the Rillito Trail. It's an awesome bike trail along a dry river. The Childrens park was our turn around. I think I could have gone farther--ESP with the reward of Frozen yogurt on the way back

Monday, March 19, 2012


More house photos

The kitchen cabinets are not as dark as these photos seem to show. I haven' yet settled on a color for the kitchen. Something in the red/rust range may be too dark. The turquoise I picked out for the bathroom is awesome. The left photo looks from bathroom through kitchen and into living area with south facing windows.



House photos/colors

I have chosen this green for the living room. The too tall table is going (hopefully) at next weeks Patio Sale. The lovely windows in the dining area look out into our neighbors carport.

I picked a yellow gold for the bedroom which has these huge mirrored closets. I am working on a quilt which will replace this pinl/blue one.


Friday, March 16, 2012


Boating in Tucson

We were biking today not far from where we live and found this lake. What a surprise. There were 2 boats on the lake.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Evening meal

Not a bad spot for a dinner time picnic. We pity you readers besieged with dreary rain. Actually we wouldn't mind a little rain. After dinner there was a star party in the park with 4 telescopes. I am waiting for Saturn to rise over this mountain at 10 pm



We are away for 2 nights at Gilbert Ray Campground lest we forget about camping with Ida. It's a nice change to look out at cactus and nature instead of pavement and other houses. I was just attacked by a cactus. My first painful bare skin encounter with cholla

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Bad tire day

Here is Kit changing flat tire #3. This one is on my bike on the Pantano trail. We planned a short ride this morning. But Kit had a flat tire on his bike so he put in a new tube. 15 minutes later is exploded like a gunshot scaring an elderly neighbor. We were having a nice ride on this lovely (though short) trail when I picked up a thorn. Luckily there is a bike store on the way back so we both got new spare tubes

Thursday, March 08, 2012


Settling In

It has occurred to me that this is a travel blog and we are not really currently traveling. So I shall post only when we do anything interesting or have photos to post. We are adjusting our lifestyle here. The shopping has slowed down. Yesterday we stopped at a used furniture store looking for nightstands and ended up buying a table. We already have 3 tables but none of them are keepers. This is a totally awesome bistro table with a mosaic top which will go on our deck when we build it next year.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2012


Hike Day

Took the day off to go hiking with Susan and Chuck -- up the Douglas Spring trail till we found these trees. It's a green year in the desert. Lots of wildflowers as I have said before. Tomorrow it's back to work on the house. Someone coming to check out broken window in bathroom

Monday, March 05, 2012


Moving in

I promised more photos. Here is our new TV -- our one Big purchase --and a bit of the kitchen. We have so much storage I can't imagine ever using it all
It was a very busy weekend moving in. Kit spent his time cleaning and I had to do the shopping. Luckily the place is furnished. Luckily Kohls was having a tremendous sale and I got sheets and rugs, pots and pans for half price. Weather is not too shabby 80's. Plan to go hiking tomorrow.

Friday, March 02, 2012


New house

We have just today bought this park model. Now we are official snow birds Actually we hear it has been snowing in Anacortes. Are we ready for this lifestyle change?

Thursday, March 01, 2012


Hike with flowers

We had a nice somewhat strenuous hike in Sabino Canyon today. The flowers are wonderful, ESP this penstemon I am still not in shape for Tucson hiking. Lots happening here. More later

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