Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tucson biking
We haven't had much time to hike but have had a couple nice bike rides. This is the symbol for Garden of the Families along a favorite bike trail--south Pantano Wash. We are involved in starting a new bike club here in the park. Right now waiting for new furniture to arrive.
My first day at school I got to help serve lunch to the kids. The smaller kids get lunch in these plastic bowls and the bigger kids get plates. Meals are made in the kitchen at the school and served in the classrooms--usually rice and beans and some kind of chicken. We had the same food as the kids--served on plates in the tiny staff room. Except on Fridays we got Ackee and Saltfish--the national dish. Not all kids get lunch. Some don't have the money and some choose to spend money on sweets. In addition to a parent run tuck shop (chips and such) in the school there are vendors on the playground selling snacks as well. The free lunch program comes out of the teachers pockets. Though the PTA has occassional fund raisers to help pay for lunches for needy kids. Several days we got patties (another national treat) which helped fund free lunches..
Saturday, November 24, 2012
I arrived in Tucson on Monday night. Busy since then. Kit's new computer hates me so I am on the Guest computer. Works great but can't access my photos. I did update the post called praying (see November archives) Somehow the actual praying part got left out. I still have lots of stories and photos to post someday soon. For now it is plenty warm in Tucson. We took an easy hike in the desert on Wednesday and an 18 mile bike ride on the "river" trail on Thursday. Friday we painted. Our living room is beautiful green now. Only 3 rooms to go.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Jamaican sunset
It's been a long do nothing day. I am so tired of the heat. Tomorrow I fly--not to cool wet Washington but to Tucson where at least the nights are cool
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Been taking photos with my real camera. The best photos I have not been able to get --from bus windows. Anyway will post photos when I get home Monday. Yesterday was our last day of school-- fanfare and all. Now there are two days of vacation. Margaret and I took a hotel taxi to a shopping center in her guide book which was more tourist shops mostly owned by Indians. We could not find books but bought a few gifts. All the shops in these tourist places sell the same things. So our driver took us to a kind of stationary store that did sell books. Then we went to Ricks which is a world famous bar with divers off the cliff. Our driver even stopped at a library for us to look. Now it's veg out in the shade for me this afternoon.
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Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tis the season
Christmas trees and decorations up today in the resort. 80 plus degrees, sun, sand, sea, Christmas. Christmas music too -- not generic Santa songs but Hark the Herald angels sing.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Basic school
We went to visit the basic school today at lunch. Here are the children singing to us. Basic school is for children ages 3 to 5. There are 42 children here. They have a wonderful new school with cement walls between classes and a genuine cafeteria where the children have tables to eat Cool there too. At our school the children eat in the classroom-- those who can afford to eat. We loved visiting with the small children at the basic school
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Good day Tuesday
Took today's photos on my camera so none to send tonite. Tomorrow I want to take phone and try to record kids saying Lords prayer. We have an hour for lunch. Lunch is nearly always chicken and rice with little salad. Principal made us (sweet) Potato pudding Today. When we have energy we love to be on playground with kids. Usually there is no adult supervision. We brought balls and jump ropes which kids can use when organized. Today I had a line up of kids jumping with invisible jump ropes. Gotta prepare for tomorrow before I fall asleep
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Monday, November 12, 2012
Frogs New friends
I have been taking frog to school. He has been very popular but he is ready for a vacation. So am I. Monday is always hard. We have some new members of our team. Transitions. I wish I was better at learning kids names but my brain is too full
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Right now I am sitting in Alfreds bar on the beach where they have free WiFi. And beer! Tomorrow we move back to the inclusive resort. Some of us would like to stay at the Pineapple. This is more reAl Jamaica. There are real bars restaurants and shops along the beach. We have a whole new batch of people which is frustrating because of training involved. Meetings today and some free time. Back to school tomorrow
Friday, November 09, 2012
Pell river
Here I am wearing my Pell river tie. I did not tie it myself. All the kids wear ties with their uniforms. We rented these for the day. My wind blown hair is a sign of the weather. It was a refreshing day after the great heat but kids were wearing sweaters. There was a high rate of absenteeism because of the weather. Parents will not let kids be out in the rain. They will get sick and maybe die. Today there was not rain but the mist that grows the sugar cane
New Hotel
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Hwy 93
Dawn near Ely. Happy checking the altitude at the summit. Cathedral Gorge State Park.
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Nevada pics
Kit's travels
I took the fast route to Tucson while Carol is in Jamaica, the beeline track through Nevada in the Volvo. 1742 miles in three days and four hours, not the rv lifestyle. Food choices were cowboy Chinese, Mexican or chicken fried steak so I went with takeout salads from the grocery store. Had one breakfast out, planned on two but the cook didn't show up. The waitress gave me free coffee for being there at 5 am and we had a great talk about her reasons for voting
for Romney. I did have great conversations including one with two Navaho who wouldn't shut up.
All in all I liked Nevada but I think once is enough.
for Romney. I did have great conversations including one with two Navaho who wouldn't shut up.
All in all I liked Nevada but I think once is enough.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Up at 6. Breakfast at 7. On the bus at 8. But no. Rush back to our rooms to pack. We are moving to a different hotel for 3 days because this hotel is over booked. Now we will not be at school until mid morning. We will be bused back here for dinner. We don't complain. This is all free for us
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Tuesday, November 06, 2012
My poor tired feet after 8 hours at work. I am sitting in the bar doing Email. Maybe take phone to school tomorrow. To send real photos. I took camera today and have lots of photos of kids. The first thing when we arrive at school in the morning --we walk into morning Devotion. The kids are all standing in the courtyard for morning prayers, Bible readings, hymns, etc. --and announcements from the principal. I would love to be able to record all the kids reciting the Lords Prayer. We also have more praying after lunch before afternoon classes. J is for Jesus in Jamaica. There is a story about Jesus in the 2nd grade reading book. The 6th graders have a complete text on world religions.
Monday, November 05, 2012
Work day
Sorry I did not take pictures today. Too busy. Up at 6. Breakfast at 7. Our bus was supposed to leave at 8 but late. Our school is only 20 minutes away. Narrow hairpin roads. We have the Hilton of schools. Mountain top with awesome views. Small school. Great kids. Tolerable spaces. We have to carry all our supplies. Heavy heavy. Good team. Day went back. Back in time for a walk on the beautiful beach. Hot and sweaty here but not intolerable
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Sunday, November 04, 2012
Tropical storm
The reason we have so
Much tropical vegetation at this hotel is Rain. A big thunder rain storm came through this afternoon just when we were moving our supplies to our rooms. We can hardly move in our room for all the stuff and we are still one person short. There is no storage at the school so we have to cart pencils paper crayons etc back and forth.
Spent all morning in meeting--much of it not particularly productive. Now am taking a beer break before I sharpen a hundred pencils, make name tags,bag crayons, and work on lesson plans. Luckily I have a great team and the smallest school
Did I mention that it's hot and humid and noisy here. We will probably have to move hotels for 3 days at the end of the week because they are over booked here. Pack up all our clothes and school stuff.
Tomorrow is kid day!
Much tropical vegetation at this hotel is Rain. A big thunder rain storm came through this afternoon just when we were moving our supplies to our rooms. We can hardly move in our room for all the stuff and we are still one person short. There is no storage at the school so we have to cart pencils paper crayons etc back and forth.
Spent all morning in meeting--much of it not particularly productive. Now am taking a beer break before I sharpen a hundred pencils, make name tags,bag crayons, and work on lesson plans. Luckily I have a great team and the smallest school
Did I mention that it's hot and humid and noisy here. We will probably have to move hotels for 3 days at the end of the week because they are over booked here. Pack up all our clothes and school stuff.
Tomorrow is kid day!
Saturday, November 03, 2012
I found this map painted on the wall by the pool. We are at Negril which looks like it is in the west but I am not sure of directions. I am having a totally decadent day. I am told this will end with our first meeting this eve I had beach walk this morning and have been on the beach this afternoon in the shade of a palm tree with my book. The afternoon is the hottest time of day though there is a nice breeze near the beach. Surely it is beer time soon. There are bars all over including in the pool and it is all free.
Sun Sea
Flight arrived Jamaicaon schedule. They almost didn't let me into the country because I didn't write the resort name correctly on my form. Just barely caught the bus to the resort. Many people from my program (super kids) on the plane. Resort is awesome but our room is very tiny for 3 people
Lots of small children at this resort
More later and photos
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Lots of small children at this resort
More later and photos
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Friday, November 02, 2012
Make no assumptions. No pillows or blankets on plane. My back was miserable with the sitting. A little sleep and then we are here. 3am but it's 6am here. Lots of Superkids people on this flight and also dental people from the program. I am really tired of sitting
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Thursday, November 01, 2012
I'll skip the picture of the bar I am currently in. Late dinner of fish tacos.
My next plane doesn't leave until 11pm
Smooth no stress flight and I even had an empty seat next to me. I am drinking water by the way. The wine in Seattle cost as much as my fish tacos
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My next plane doesn't leave until 11pm
Smooth no stress flight and I even had an empty seat next to me. I am drinking water by the way. The wine in Seattle cost as much as my fish tacos
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Here I am at the bar in the airport --have almost an hour before my flight. Pretty mellow here although there is a child screaming somewhere. No line to check bags. Long line for security. Next stop Phoenix. Am sitting by the fire for the last time for awhile and having a glass of wine