Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Cold Crestate

Yesterday was cold wet and windy. Today was only cold and windy.
Yesterday I played bocce at 8 and then the temp dropped 10 degrees and it rained all day. Indoor activities. Today is bright and blue but temps in 40's and windy too. We went for a short walk in the NP where we found this new to us crestate saguaro-- one of only 3 easily visible in the east section of the park

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Tucson rain

Yesterday was a rare rainy day in Tucson--a veritable downpour. Kit couldn't do his usual bike ride but had an indoor finish painting the trim day. The rain stopped by pool time. There were 11 in the hot tub. We hear the record is 22 but that was just smooshing them in.
Today is a pleasant cloudy day. We went to hear the old timers talk about park history at the Sunday social. Then we had a pleasant bike ride--the Lakeside park loop. The water that was running in the wash yesterday is gone today

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013



We didn't get much solar today--light thin overcast-- but found this awesome solar array on a bike trail we were checking out. Short ride but lots of interest.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013



Found a cozy lunch spot on the rocks Hiked uphill today on the Bug Spring trail. Fantastic views and interesting rocks 4 1/2 mikes total. Beautiful day. Back to the pool

Monday, January 21, 2013


SATURDAY I planted our garden. Lettuce, chard, and spinach. I planted starts not seeds so maybe we can get some greens by March. What else shall I plant?

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Bike Tucson

Anyone recognize Dr. McDreamy? (from Gray's Anatomy). We rode down for a bike event in downtown Tucson --found a brewpub on our way home.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Barrio cat

Today we have been on an outing with the photo club into old town. Kit and I both loved this door with all the door knobs but he got the cat too.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Outdoors again

After all that frigid weather, we are looking at a high of 54 today. Lunch on the deck after a chilly club bike ride. Off to the pool later

Tuesday, January 15, 2013



We came back from a trip to the clubhouse and found a new fountain in our backyard. 5 nights of freezing temps but last night was the coldest -- down to the teens. Staff here busy with frozen pipes

Wednesday, January 09, 2013


End of blogging??

Somehow blogger has updated itself into oblivion.  I can no longer upload photos from my computer and I rarely take photos with my phone.  Life is hard.  All of the company has come and gone and we are back on our own.  A cold weekend is in our forecast.  Very fine weather for biking today--EXCEPT the old sailing rule popped up--it's always a beat home.  Had to bike into a terrific headwind.  You'll have to wait and see whether I continue this blog.  Without the photos it's really going to be boring.

Friday, January 04, 2013



My photos are on the camera so I shall have to post them later. Can't do computer in the sun on our new deck. This morning very early we took Kirsten to the airport. She has been with us 10 days and we miss her.
Johan and Harry have been here since Monday and they will leave on Sunday. We have been to Biosphere. We have had several hikes in the National Park. We spent yesterday at museums and galleries and exploring downtown Tucson. Today we have traveled nearly 200 miles to Bisbee and Tombstone. It was freezing in Bisbee with snow on the ground. It's an old copper mining town with historic buildings and shops. Johan likes shops. Tombstone is an historic silver mining town famous for the OK corral. They have overdone the western tourist hype.
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Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Waterfall hike

Yesterday we took the company to Biosphere 2. Today we went for a hike to Bridal Veil trickle. Perfect hiking day.

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