Thursday, June 06, 2013
Gnome comes Home
After a long wait we finally got on the 2:00 ferry. The foolish gnome had to be held lest he fall off the boat. The trip home could have been smooth but for a few snaggles. Got a timely start from Merritt and over yet another mountain pass with awesome scenery. Just before our exit for Sumas border crossing we got caught the the backup crawl from an accident. 2k of inching along. Only a two car wait at the border. Quickest crossing into US we have ever done. Lunch and shopping at Haggens. No sign of excess traffic from freeway closure. Then we get on Guemes. Sign on South Shore said road work. It did not say road closed which was the case. So we had to go around slogging through wet tar !! Grrr!
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Heading home
Here is the gnome at Craiglochie where the Canadian railroad joined east and west-/ the equivalent of Promentary Point. We are trying a new way back through Canada on Hwy 1-- first north then south. Whatever way we go it is too long. Tomorrow we cross back to US and home! Tonight we are in Merritt a town with little merit.
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
On the lake
Went out on the lake this morning with Kirsten to do monitoring. Lots of measuring and testing with chemicals -- and Riding along the water in a small aluminum boat. Kit met us at Windemere and went out for the second test site.
Weather today turned fine. Yesterday was drizzly and not too fine. We did a short hike after lunch and then went out to Radium Hot springs. Hot pools cool rain
Weather today turned fine. Yesterday was drizzly and not too fine. We did a short hike after lunch and then went out to Radium Hot springs. Hot pools cool rain
Sunday, June 02, 2013
We all went for a ride into Kootenay National Park today. The people had 2 hikes. One was a nice trail up to Dog Lake where we had lunch. The second was a short hike up Marble Canyon where we got rained on. Amazing geology. From the car today we saw 3 bears, 4 bighorn sheep, and 6 deer.
Saturday, June 01, 2013
Leaving late
Brit family runs our motel. Slept late. Breakfast at Chatterbox Cafe (actually Yaky Jaky.). Late heading off to Invermere