Monday, September 30, 2013


Crossing over

We have crossed over the Mackinac Bridge and are heading south through Down Under Michigan. Hope to have wifi someday to update our UP stay

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Red leaves, Blue sky

Friday, September 27, 2013


Gnome at the falls

Our fall outing in the UP today was to the T. Falls. The fall colors are beautiful and so is the weather. From here we went to the Shipwreck museum on Lake Superior



Yes Frog is still traveling with us. Here he is visiting some friends in the UP.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Iron factory

Actually this ruin was the general store in a factory town where they smelted iron ore. It's at an out of the way state park in Michigan. They have restored and replicated much of the town. We also ended up camping here the last night before we got to Steve and Laura's (my sister) which is where we are now. We have not had wifi for some time but I am doing this at the public librry in Newberry.


Another lakeside camp

We stayed at this nearly empty county park in Wisconsin a few nights ago. It was lovely and there was a bar where we could walk for our 4:00 beer. The trees are starting to turn colors. After we left this spot we headed into the hills where there were more vibrant colors. We were near the highest spot in Wisconsin which is 1900 feet.



Have we seen enough corn for a life time. This photo was actually taken at the birth site of Laura Ingalls Wilder. It was once little house in the Big Woods but is now little house in the corn field. Despite the corn and cows in Wisconsin we could not find a cheese factory. At least we found a store where we could get Wisconsin cheese.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013



We have arrived at my sister Laura's in the UP. Just home from seeing The Butler. Have photos and stories on the iPad so hopefully will find wifi soon.

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Monday, September 23, 2013


Another lakeside campground

We had some Wisconsin Adventures which I will post when I have WiFi. We are now on the eastside of Wisconsin getting close to Michigan. Found a bar near our camp for a 5 pm beer.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Oysters in Wisconsin?

No photo taken out our window could do justice to the hundreds and hundreds of Harleys we saw on a back road along the St Croix. Most of them were gathered in this tiny town of Maiden Rock-- but they were along roads in droves. A surprise cultural experience. And not a helmet in sight. It's called the Flood Run-- like our oyster run in Anacortes

Friday, September 20, 2013


Minneapolis--the Guthrie



Bill took us on some aimless driving today. We saw lots of neighborhoods in Bloomington, had lunch and then went into the city. This is one of the views from the bridge of the Guthrie theater--of the only falls on the Mississippi River.



I am trying to put a quarter in the money box but it won't fit. It only cost 7cents to ride this 1946 trolley. Bill volunteers at this trolley place which is why we got to go there. It's a secret place under a bridge where a group of trolley enthusiasts work on the 4 trolleys they own. They still run on a mile of track for special bookings.



One of the coolest things we did in Minneapolis was visiting this trolley tunnel This trolley comes from
Duluth. The sign says "Save time and money. Read while you ride". Kit is in the people catcher. More on this later.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Annual garden at Arboretum


Minnetonka in the Rain

Our old friends Pam and Steve Pitts take us to lunch near Lake Minnetonka. The old steamboat is in the background (the colorful one). It rained gobs this morning but cleared up in the afternoon so we could make a trip to the Arboretum. Perhaps I'll throw in another photo as well.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013



We did not travel so far today. Down the St. Croix River to Stillwater--the Port Townsend of Minnesota. Kit climbed up the steps to get this view of the old brick downtown. I went in shops. Then we came on to the Twin Cities and cruised around the beltline to our RV park in Savage. Day was drizzly overcast. We got a late start hoping sun would return. Only in time for sunset.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


More on Minnesota

This afternoon we moved from no frills Forest Camp to a Casino RV park with lots of frills. Even cable TV which we may not use. There is a shuttle to the casino for the all American buffet dinner. The weather appears to be changing so it's good we got our biking in today.

Minnesota is voted by us to the be tidiest state in the union. Today we saw one old mobile home with junk in the front yard but that is the ONLY one such. All of the farms are picture perfect with red barn and white silo. No old junky cars or tractors in the yard. Even the junkyards are tidy. Also everything we have seen is green. We have just been pine tree country but a few miles south we are back in the corn. Tomorrow we head south to the Twin Cities.

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Moose Lake

From our state forest campground it's less than a mile to the bike trail-- straight and flat and with the wind on our way north to Moose Lake where I pose with the moose and we picnic by the lake. Of course it will be into the wind on the way back


Bike ride

Back at our Minnesota lakeside camp, after a 25 mile ride today on the William Munger Trail, I collapse off my bike. The gnome is ready to go-- but alas we are leaving here.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Across Minnesota

I saw a fox!! Right here in our campground. We are in a state forest campground. On a lake. :). Next to a freeway:(. Close to the bike trail :). It's cheap :). Minnesota state parks are outrageously expensive. We are almost to the Wisconsin border. We are not that far from Duluth. Wasting time in Minnesota because Bill can't see us until Friday. Tomorrow we are riding the bike trail as far as we can. More about our trip across Minnesota when I next get WiFi

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Benson Minnesota

Stopped to take this photo of the water tower in Benson. It's a tidy town like all of Minnesota.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Rivers and Lakes, corn and soy

We have been lucky enough to find a lot of campgrounds with rivers/lakes out our back window. Good views for frog who hangs out there. In Alice we had our table with large windows out the back but in Ida the bed is in the back. Nonetheless water views from our campsite are pretty special. Tonight we are looking at Big Stone Lake (most likely a dammed river) which sits between South Dakota and Minnesota. We are on the Minnesota side; our 3rd state in 3 nights.

Today we drove through the eastern bit of South Dakota. Pretty flat. Lots of corn and soy. Lots of grain silos which imply they grow wheat as well. We passed a biofuel refinery. And a neon sign with corn price for the day ($4.49). We detoured into the tiny town of Bowdle with South Dakota's tallest water tower--I would post a photo if I didn't have so much to do tonight already.
The last bit of SD had lots of tiny lakes/ponds--some with lots of birds. So water is a theme--although we didn't entirely get away from trains although I'll guess we'll hear no train whistles tonight.

The evening has been spent making plans for the rest of the week. It looks like we will detour north to Hinkley where there is supposed to be a great bike trail--and then return to see friends in the Twin Cities later in the week. More later.
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Big Missouri

Last night we camped on the big Missouri-- actually Lake Oahe. We found out there is no place to cross the mighty river between Mobridge where we are-- and Bismarck far to the north. Weather is better today but windy. We are moving on to Minnesota.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Big North Dakota Farmee

Rainy rainy day. Detoured down enchanted highway to see the bigs. Decided to skip more of freeway ND and slipped down to highwAy 12. Had lunch at the site where the last of the buffalo were massacred. And then into South Dakota. Weather is slightly better here

Friday, September 13, 2013


Little Missouri

It's getting dark. This river flows behind our campsite in T Roosevelt NP. The wind is abating. We arrived in North Dakota today

Thursday, September 12, 2013



Montana Bar


Miles City

Montana goes on forever. We followed the Yellowstone River--and the train tracks, although did not see any trains. Continued east on 90 and then on 94. Stopped midday at Pompey's Pillar National Monument as the photos I've already posted will show. When we left we had some weird sounds in Ida's low low gear. Kit gets panic attack. We head back to Billings and the Sprinter dealer but when Kit calls--he is told there is nothing they can do if it is not totally consistent--so we turn around and head east again. After all, I say, we spend more time traveling 60 mph than 3 mph. So far so good. We have stopped for the night it Miles City at a KOA in walking distance of this historic downtown. Walk into town and have a beer at the historic Montana Bar. I will post a photo of the bar and Kit has a photo of the porcelain urinal in the men's room if he can get his phone to work on WiFi. Tomorrow (Hallelu) if all goes well we will finally leave Montana.

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View from the top


Pompey's Pillar

Stopped at lunchtime at this National
Monument and Lewis and Clark notable site



Montana has some lovely county names: Sweet Grass, Stillwater, Golden Valley, Wheatland. Then there is Carbon..and Petroleum.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013



Lunch under the longhorn in the bar at the Grand Hotel in Big Timber


Trains and Rivers

We have decided Montana is about trains and rivers. We are camped along the beautiful Boulder River, a small tributary, but the interstate follows River as well. In Missoula we walked the River trail along the Clark Fork which bisects the town--University on one side and downtown on the other. We had planned to stop at the Headwaters of the Missouri--the three forks known to Lewis and Clark--but the freeway was under construction and the exits closed. It's been a dry summer and the rivers are languid but the highways and railroads follow them none-the-less. We have seen coal trains and oil trains and freight trains but mostly a mixture of the three. Even in our quiet spot several miles from any tracks I could hear train whistles in the night. We are here in the very center of Montana at the edge of mountain and forest--heading into the great grassland--but no doubt rivers and trains will follow us.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013


All's well

We had a nice morning in Missoula-- the motor home was fixed by noon-- and we drove all the way to Big Timber this afternoon. Wonderful spot by the river.

Monday, September 09, 2013


Ida gets towed

Quite an adventure getting towed to Missoula at 70mph-- faster than we ever drive. Camping tonight in the parking lot outside the shop. Us and a lot of used Mercedes


Drama continued

The mechanic from Whitehall did not have the right computer and was unable to diagnose and fix our problem though he did try a simple fix of new oil filter. So now we are back at plan A. Waiting for tow truck to take us to Missoula. We have moved to the Conoco parking lot. Since we don't expect him til around 4 we will arrive in Missoula after the dealer has closed. We can sleep in the parking lot and be there bright and early when they open. Hopefully we will be able to move east again tomorrow.

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We are still in Deer Lodge. Waiting. Waiting for my laundry to get dry which is beginning to seem unlikely. Waiting for Kevin to arrive and hopefully fix poor Ida. The towing to Missoula was replaced by Kevin driving from Whitehall. Nothing is worse than waiting in a mostly boring place. It is too cold yet to sit out in the sun although at least there is some sun today. (unlike blowy cloudy yesterday). There is a quite nice National Historic Site nearby--the Grant-Kohr Ranch: a huge historical cattle ranch that is still a working ranch. I had to do a hurry up tour yesterday because they closed at 4:30. I could have gone there again this morning if I hadn't been waiting for the dang laundry which despite a heap of quarters appears not to be drying.

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Sunday, September 08, 2013



It was such a nice day when we left Glacier. We had a route planned through forests and past many lovely lakes. Hit the rain somewhere along the way. Found a lovely free campground but early in the day and in the rain. Then a light came on our dashboard. Then Ida started slowing down majorly going up hills. We were totally out of cell coverage area. Limped along to I90 and 10 miles east to Deer Lodge where we found an RV park. Kit called Good Sam. Consultants say we are in "limp home" mode and can't make it the 60 plus miles back (ie West, the opposite of the way we are going) to the dealer in Missoula. So we are being towed tomorrow. There are only 3 sprinter dealers in the whole state of Montana and Missoula is the closest. Stay tuned.

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Glacier NP

Had a nice hike in Glacier past a lake and waterfalls. Kit and Kirsten encountered an obstacle on the trail.


Train hell

Friday we moved campsites to a place with a tent spot for Kirsten. We knew it was just under the train tracks but didn't hear that many trains Thursday night. Friday night they came by every 10 minutes and long trains at that. None of us got any sleep. Saturday morning we moved to the wonderful quiet campground in Glacier NP

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Friday, September 06, 2013



Kit and Kirsten in Whitefish with the bruck-- a cross between bus and truck used to transport passengers and freight between Kalispell and the train station in Whitefish.

Thursday, September 05, 2013


Sunset on Whitefish Lake

We are camping at this lake in Montana waiting to meet Kirsten tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013


Road time

We have WiFi tonight but I didn't take any pictures today. Last night we got as far as Newhalem (National Park campground) which was quiet and idyllic. Tonight we are east of Coeur d'Alene too close to the freeway at a campground where we got to practice using our leveling blocks. We had too much road time today. 315 miles. At least the roads and traffic were good. Tomorrow we are doing closer to 200.

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Tuesday, September 03, 2013


Ferry Lines

We were hoping the visitors would have left by Tuesday afternoon. As it is we were lucky we got here at 2 so we will probably make the 3:15 which was our plan-- high tide and all that. We were racing around madly all morning-- and afternoon when we saw the long lines. It was raining this morning when we were running back and forth with stuff -- so it's not quite so hard to leave. Still it has been a stressful week getting ready to leave on our big trip. If all goes well we won't be back until April. After we get off the island we will be heading east. Plan to meet Kirsten on Kalispell on Friday

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