Sunday, November 24, 2013


Flying home

We flew right over Mt Hood. I am
Back in Tucson now. It's been raining and is still cool but the hot tub is fine


3 generations

This is the first time in ages that Kirsten and I have been visiting my mom at the same time. Milli took this photo for u

Friday, November 22, 2013



I am currently in Oregon where it is currently clear and Cold. Flew up on Sunday. Kirsten is here also. My
Mom had a number of small strokes last week. She can no longer walk and is very confused. Her assisted living can't provide 24/7 supervision so family has been staying with her until something is worked out. It is not fun. We now at least have Hospice on board. I am flying back to Tucson tomorrow where I understand it is raining.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



The trees in Sabino Canyon are still green. Last year at this time they were yellow. Hot windy morning hike.

Saturday, November 09, 2013


Biking the River Trail

Last Thursday after bocce we decided to celebrate getting a hitch on Blanche for the bike rack by taking the bikes to the Rillito trail. Alas the wind was blowing a little bit so instead we went to Julian Wash where you can ride uphill into the wind and then coast back to the car. But the wind was REALLY blowing. It was like biking on a treadmill. If you got off your bike it would blow over. We actually made it 1 1/2 miles before giving up and riding the wind back home.
So today after bocce we tried it again. This time weather looked great for the Rillito Trail. We had a fine ride. Lots of traffic on the trail on a Saturday but most everyone was pretty well behaved. There were three large groups of middle school kids with fancy shirts heading the opposite way. And a few stragglers. And the usual TGTB's racing by, along with ordinary cyclists, joggers, walkers, dog walkers, stroller pushers and etc. In other words we saw a lot of non-seniors. But by the time we headed back midday they were mostly off the trail. We rode as far as the sun circle (a favorite lunch spot) and back--total =18 miles. The trip back was uphill slightly and into the wind--luckily today it was a pleasant breeze (welcome on an 80 plus day).

Carol Harma--from my iPad

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