Sunday, January 26, 2014


Sent from the Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro, an AT&T LTE smartphone


Sent from the Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro, an AT&T LTE smartphone


Sent from the Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro, an AT&T LTE smartphone


The essence of ORPI

Saturday, January 25, 2014



My favorite saguaro is still hanging in. Perfect hiking day today.



We have left the city behind to live in the desert for 3 days. We didn't make it down to Organ Pipe last year so the need to use up some diesel has sent us down. Half the sites are closed bur otherwise it's as great as we remember

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Thursday, January 23, 2014


Water hole

You'd think after all the time we have spent hiking in the National Park that we would have been everywhere within our range. But Sunday we discovered a wonderful new spot called Wildhorse Tanks. There is a series of these wonderful pools-- and it's been a dry winter. Talked with lots of people including a young lady who had actually been on Guemes.

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Sent from the Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro, an AT&T LTE smartphone

Sunday, January 05, 2014



So it turns out that this is the biggest saguaro in the park. It is off trail so we can only go here on a ranger hike. There once was a real Grandaddy which was the biggest in Arizona but he is now demised and the official biggest is in the Tonto National Forest.
Biggest is a mathematical combination of circumference of trunk, height, and distance between arms.

Saturday, January 04, 2014


Ranger Kit and Granddaddy Saguaro

Kit is NOT a Ranger but nonetheless has a fancy uniform and name badge for his volunteer trail work. Today we were out on the Hope Camp trail and saw lots of mountain bikers.

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