Sunday, April 27, 2014


Trip to Oregon

It was a quick trip to Oregon. Down on Thursday and back on Sunday We made the trip down to Sweet Home for the Memorial Service for my mom (on Friday). We picked up Kirsten on Thursday eve at Portland airport--that was quite an adventure in our motor home. Was quite a good event with people who intersected so many different points of her life. Then Saturday we had a "family reunion" of sorts while we sorted through pictures and scrapbooks. It has been a long time since the whole family was together. Now we are back at home again wishing it was a bit warmer.

Carol Harma--from my iPad



Kit is now the oldest member of our extended family and our great nephew Xalen is the youngest


Family reunion

Here I am with my siblings at the Memorial service for my mom.

Monday, April 07, 2014


Home to Sun

It's a glorious sunny day here on Guemes. We arrived home yesterday. Stopped in Sweet Home on Friday to visit with the pastor who is coordinating mom's memorial service on the 25th. Then spend Saturday night in Anacortes at Fidalgo RV park so we could catch the high tide ferry early Sunday morning. Coming home is always mixed blessings. There is so much to do. Just unloading the rig takes a whole day. Today was yard work day. Kit got the lawn mowed and I got the branches mostly picked up --a burn tomorrow if it rains. And there are all of the ferns to be clipped. And that's just the start of the outside work--not to mention all the inside work. Sigh. Home.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Friday, April 04, 2014


7 Feathers

I totally forgot to get a photo of the lovely creek and spring wild flowers at the RV park at 7 feathers in Canyonville last night. We had a fine spot near laundry and hot tub. The shuttle took us to the casino where we had dinner and wine in the gourmet steak house. Neither were super great but better than buffet.
Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 02, 2014


Lovely Redding

Here I am with a dude on a bench along the Sacramento River in Redding where it is warm and sunny. This walk was a great break after 5 hours of driving.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014



Hated to leave Jalama. Actually the drive up 1 and 101 wasn't all that bad. A few showers but definitely needed. The usually spring green hills are part brown and many of the trees--esp eucalyptus, are brown and stressed as well. We had great hopes for Pleasanton. We had been here before and found it very pleasant. But that does NOT apply to the fairgrounds RV park. This is a dismal place indeed--even if the rain hadn't shown up in earnest. We wanted to walk into town for dinner like we do in Calistoga. But the place is a prison. They lock the gates at 6pm and the only way back in is clear and gone out of town. And there is a $40 charge for bathroom keys (luckily refundable). At least we hope it's quiet here.

Carol Harma--from my iPad


Jalama Beach

This is a small piece of the panoramic view from our site at Jalama Beach County park. We spent 2 days here. No cell, no Internet, no TV. Now we are back on 101 making time north. Arrival on Guemes must be earlier than planned because of tides

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