Sunday, August 31, 2014


Anniversary Getaway

We had a midweek overnight in LaConner which is less than 30 minutes away. We had a nice motel on the water with this view from our balcony (Kit took the photo from the boardwalk). In the morning we did an 18 mile bike ride through farm country where we saw this single sunflower in a field of cucumbers. Beer at the pub, nice dinner on the waterfront. Only downer was that it was really hot and I didn't get the shopping time I'd planned.

Saturday, August 02, 2014


Sailing Sailing

It's been a week or so since we went sailing on the tall ship Lady Washington.  Finally downloaded photos from my camera which are much better than the ones on the phone.  When you are on a ship you can't see it--only sails and rigging and the crowd of people sharing the boat.  So I took sails--this is topsail and t'gallant.  Kit says being on a tall ship is like being at a theater production--only all the audience is in the middle of the stage.  All around you the crew is hoisting sails and climbing up the rigging and doing all of the work required to sail the ship.  There was enough wind to sail a little--almost to Guemes Island.  We had all the 8 sails up that the Coast Guard allows when there are passengers aboard.

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