Wednesday, November 19, 2014



Here are the second graders with the Anansi spiders they made. My keyboard has crashed so am one fingering it. Two more days of school and one of play.. What to say. All is well.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Back at work

Yes I have photos but not immediately available. Cart so much STUFF back and forth that it's hard to find room for camera or iPad. Today I did get some photos (still on the camera) of some 6th graders building bookshelves for several of the classrooms. They will be used as part of our "book in a bag" or "book in a box" library program. Some of the shelves are a bit crooked. With building and music it was pretty noisy. Still a good day today. I now only have 1 student assistant instead of 2. I also only have one roommate instead of 2 but we will have the extra bed in the room. Taking a beer break and back to the prep for tomorrow.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Last Day

Here are Carol Deach and I last Friday on her last day of school. We are now heading into a new week with a partial new staff. We met them tonight. We will have a smaller staff this next week.
I spent today doing totally nothing --mostly reading on the beach. Tomorrow it's back to meetings.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


End of the day

As we came off the bus we were greeted by all the Sesame Street characters. We actually got back a little early today because of early dismissal. I had time for the pool. Today was a good day for me as my assistant Heather did all the teaching. School was a little off though as we had 2 teachers out. There are no subs in Jamaica. Tomorrow is last day for most of our team. We start with a new group on Saturday. I also lost 2 roommates and get 2 new ones. I am reasonably organized for tomorrow so can enjoy the Beach party tonight. I am NOT going with the youngsters to the club in town where dancing starts at 11pm. Us old folk are in bed often by 9.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


hammy kids

The kids love to have their photos taken and ham it up. Sure quieter on playground than last time we were here though just as noisy in classrooms. I am way too busy. Working at least 12 hours a day and crashing by 9pm. Luckily I have a great team of assistants. Maybe someday I'll be able to make it to the beach or pool. Not tomorrow as we have staff meeting.

Sunday, November 09, 2014


No time for fun :)

Today was a very busy day. Didn't take a single photo. In meeting with the group all morning until 1 and then lunch with our team. All afternoon organizing supplies and lesson plans. Am off soon to meet with my assistants who were out playing this aftternoon. I got a short walk on the beach at sunset--only time outdoors all day. Tomorrow is our first day at school. Early rising.
Excited to see the kids. Much smaller classes this year..

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Saturday, November 08, 2014


Good life

This is more or less the view from our deck. (It was taken a bit closer to the sea) I am having a totally lazy day. Late breakfast followed by beach walk followed by hanging out. I hope to get to the pool later this afternoon before a wedding at 5. Cindy and David aren't paying the big bucks for a Sandals wedding so the wedding will be down the beach. (off the property) Then there is a 7pm "meet and greet" Lots of new people this year and I haven't met many of them.

Friday, November 07, 2014


Greetings from Jamaica

For some quite unknown reason the wifi seems to work here. We were supposed to pay for a code and enter it. No idea what is going on. My last two flights were very crowded but not uncomfortable. No sleep though. All 3 of us roommates had all nighters so are quite tired tonight. Got to Negril on the bus in a timely pattern and had to wait for our room to be ready. Weather is not intolerable. But too tired to do anything tonight. Hello to to you all from beautiful Jamaica. Hope to have photos soon.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Thursday, November 06, 2014


First leg

Tucson is the mellowest airport in the world to depart from. I was thrilled with my pre check status but the pre check line was closed. No worries. Hardly any line. Super nice plane. Short flight to Phoenix. 4 hour wait for next flight. Over an hour already squandered eating and drinking wine.

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, November 05, 2014


Frog at home in Tucson

We are gradually settling in to our alternate life style. Had planned a first bike ride today but the wind is a whipping and we are not fond of riding into the wind. Yesterday we had a very short hike--and lunch at our favorite Vietnamese. Our garden is planted. We've been to the grocery stores. Kit is off to the library but I have already been to the virtual library for e-books to take to Jamaica. The bad news at FHTV is that we are now living in a prison camp. The powers that be have decided to keep the gate closed ALL the time. We have not yet figured out how we are supposed to get out on our bikes. Hopefully it will be resolved. The weather is warming up again to pleasant 70's. The pool and hot tub are fine.

Sunday, November 02, 2014



We arrived at our winter home yesterday afternoon. Our trip from Salton City was long but uneventful. Never any traffic on i8. This is a new record for us--6 days of travel from Guemes. 33 hours of actual driving time. It was plenty hot when we arrived but temperature has dropped radically today--down to 67 (from 84 yest). We have moved everything from Ida to the house. Looking forward to the hot tub.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

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