Saturday, December 27, 2014


Organ Pipe Christmas

We are just back from a Holiday escape with Ida to ORPI. The park is now totally open again -- Border Patrol issues apparently negligible. We hiked out to Senita Basin on Christmas Eve. Rediscovered this giant quartz. Total hike 9 miles. Many years since we've hiked that far.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


End of day

This is same view at the end of this rainy-- mostly indoor-- day


2nd Rain

This early morning rainbow was actually precursor to the rain. The am drizzle turned into a real rain just when Kit and I decided to walk to the store. This is the second rain since we've been here which bodes well for wildflower season.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Autumn in December

Leaves just starting to turn here-- in riparian areas. Did a short (4 mi) hike in Sabino Canyon today.

Saturday, December 06, 2014


3 musketeers

Actually these gentlemen are Spanish soldiers with the DeAnza exhibition which started right here in Tumacacori and ended in San Francisco-- some years back ;). We spent the day at a fiesta at this Nat. Hist. Park.


Riparian walk

Cool cloudy day for a short walk to the Santa Cruz River. Lots of evidence of flooding from summer monsoon. This unusual river is entirely water from a waste water treatment plan. But it keeps this rare cottonwood willow forest alive.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014


Yes I am Back in Tucson

I have not been good at keeping up this Blog.  The internet here is not much better than Jamaica.  I got back to Tucson on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  Since then have done 2 hikes and 2 bike rides and 2 school field trips in the Nat. Park.  Today we have been on a nature hike (walk) with an amazing naturalist.  Every afternoon is pool time.  I haven't been taking photos so none to post at present.

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