Thursday, August 27, 2015


Mt Robson

Mt Robson is the highest point in the Canadian Rockies but not in Canada, This was yesterday. Today the smoke all but obscured it.


Purden Lake

Nice hike around the peninsula at this Provincial Park


Full circuit

We are back in Cache Creek where we spent our first night in B C. Are planning to try for home tomorrow but have limited window for high tides. Also issues with Friday border crossing and ferry lines to Guemes

Spent the last 2 nights at Mt Robsen PP which was glorious. Had a no drive day on my birthday. Instead did a hike along the Fraser to Overlander Falls. Have photos on my iPad but for some reason can't get wifi on it. Our provincial park stays have been wonderful but drove through 2 really awful ones today which is why we ended up back at this lovely Private RV park

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, August 24, 2015



We have made it back to Prince George and are doing a circuit east and then south to Kamloops. Continue to enjoy the provincial parks.

PS: Canada is still neurotic about metric system. We are unable to find meter sticks anywhere

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, August 22, 2015


KSan village

Stopped here today. Staying in the next door RV park.


Another awesome campsite

We have had great luck with great spots in Provincial Parks. Woke here to rain this morning but last eve was fine.


Baby black bear by the road

Mama is just ahead.


Salmon Glacier from the Viewpoint after the clouds lift


Salmon Glacier under the clouds


Fish Creek out of Hyder

You can see all the dead salmon and NO bears.


Bear Glacier

This one is seen on the way into Stewart.


NO GLACIER :( -- Glacier!! :)

We left Fish Creek after a couple of hours to drive up a windy gravel road back into BC to see the Salmon Glacier--5th largest in North America. It was a cloudy day but we had hopes. And we considered ourselves pretty adventurous driving on this potholed road but there was little traffic. So we get up to the viewpoint--look out and see--NO GLACIER--nothing but a sea of cloud. So we ate lunch thinking the clouds would clear. Still no glacier. There is a guy up at this viewpoint selling cards and books and DVD's and he is called the Bear Man. The Bear Man told me that if we drove 2 more miles we would be below the clouds and guaranteed to see the Glacier. So we did--and we did. The views were so awesome we spent a lot of time stopping and taking photos. By the time we got back to the official viewpoint the clouds were lifting and we could see the picture postcard view of that amazing glacier.
I am posting photos now.

Carol Harma--from my iPad



We made it up to Stewart BC on Thursday late so Friday morning we went early to the Fish Creek observation place in Hyder, Alaska which is supposed to be the best place for seeing bears in the wild. No Bears. Lots of people waiting for bears. It was interesting though watching the whole fish spawning thing. It's much more realistic than just reading about it. The live fish are busy doing their thing amidst piles of fish which have already died. We heard later one black bear popped in around noon after we were gone. No grizzlies that day.
As a postscript to the bear story--we saw 3 black bears alongside the road on our way to the campground that afternoon. (and there was a grizzly who had been hanging around the campground which of course we didn't see.)

Another aside. We planned to stop and visit K'San--a first peoples recreated village--on the way up but decided to scoot up to Hyder and stop on the way back. Which we did and that's where we are tonight. Here's the bad news. They have a dancing performance with all the regalia on Thursdays :( So it goes.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Thursday, August 20, 2015


HBC fur warehouse

This is only 15% of what original would have held. Notice fur press on lower right.


Early bearskin recliner


Idyllic lakeside campsite

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


No Moose

Yellow signs along Highway warn us to watch for log trucks and moose. There are LOTS of log trucks--more than I have seen anywhere--even the Oregon of my youth. But there are NO MOOSE. Here is the interesting thing about Moose--they were not in this part of Canada until the railroads arrived. The trees are too close together for the moose antlers to get through. The railroad cleared paths for them. Now there are nice clearings along the highways but no moose.

Yesterday was a fine day. We stopped (a detour) at Fort. St James Nat. Historic Site and spent a pleasant 2 hours learning about trapping and the Hudsons Bay Co. for a start. Then we found the most idyllic campsite.!! :) We were right on the lake (Lake Stuart). A beautiful sandy beach feet away. Nothing but water view out the front window. And a totally awesome sunset.

Today we are at a campsite in Smithers which is not idyllic. Smithers was a huge disappointment but we stopped here anyway. The photos are still in the camera. If I have time to download I will post some. If not--someday soon. We are headed to Hyder tomorrow.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Monday, August 17, 2015


Northish slowly

We are not doing well with our hope to stay at quiet out of the way places. This is our 2nd private Good Sam campground in 3 nights. Only one Provincial Park and though lovely it was close to the highway. Alas, not all Provincial parks are equal and mostly they are not where we need to be. We need to do some shopping in Prince George tomorrow and then are heading for a provincial park (we hope) and Fort St. James--a national historic site. (alas too far to reach today). The wifi is nice but I haven't taken any pictures today to post. Lots of logging trucks on the road. We are in ranch and forest country--mostly flat and not what I expected.

Carol Harma--from my iPad



Stopped in the town of Lytton where we found a nice museum and this orange caboose.


Earlier Sunday

We did a detour by Green Lake which was a beautiful lake but the campground not so.



Here is Ida in our campsite at Lac La Heche.


Williams Lake

Williams Lake BC has an awesome visitor center with free wifi so maybe I can send off some photos here. We had a short day yesterday and stayed in a nice provincial park near a lake (isn't everything in this part of BC). Now we hare headed north again.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Cache Creek

We have wifi at our RV park tonight but it hasn't worked well so far. I tried sending a photo. This is just a quickie. After all our planning they didn't even ask us at the border about fruits and vegies or beer and wine. We did have a nice stop at a Saturday Market in Chilliwack. And one more stop in Lytton where we learned a bit more about railroad history. If this goes I'll try the photo again.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Friday, August 14, 2015


North to ?

We are leaving Guemes today on the 4:30 ferry. Our travels are always ruled by the high tides. After grocery shopping, etc., we will spend the night in Gwen's driveway to get an early start Saturday on our trip to BC. We have reservations for the first night at an RV park in Cache Creek but after that we have no plans except to head north and see what we see. Because our data plan doesn't work in Canada, I'll be able to post only in those rare spots where we might have wifi. We plan to mostly stay in Provincial Parks.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

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