Saturday, July 23, 2016


End of an era

And maybe the end of this blog. We are getting Ida ready to sell and have decided not to replace her. No more RVing. 😅

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Monday morning we took a hike up to this waterfall. Took 2 hours so late morning start home. We had planned to stay in Olympia Monday night to celebrate Kirsten's birthday early-- but she was still in Portland after riding the STP so we headed home. Made the 6:15 ferry. End of our last trip.


Last campsite

We had a time finding a campsite in Mt Rainier NP. This is the stream behind the campsite we were lucky to find last Sunday night.

Saturday, July 16, 2016



We made an early stop to tour the grandfather house. Then met Ace and Laurie to go bicycling from Hayburn State park to Harrison-- where we had lunch and ice cream-- and back for 16 mile total. Photo is me riding up over the bridge. The rest of the trail is flat smooth and scenic. After the ride we drove to Palouse where we stayed in the city RV park, had beer and watched rodeo on TV in town pub-- and met Jeff who owns grocery store.

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Thursday, July 14, 2016


Fire escape at courthouse


Ancestral home

Had a fun day in St Marie's. Here is Kit on the courthouse fire escape where he used to play as a kid.


St. Joe river


Bike ride along St Joe

We arrived at Ace and Lauries in St Marie's on Wed. This morn we had a nice bike ride along gravel road--former railroad grade.


National salmon

One of the highlights of our trip was a stop at the national fish hatchery in Leavenworth. Alas discovered this great resource after I did salmon at science camp.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Yarned bikes

Took a side trip into Skykomish where we saw these colorful bikes


Summer trip

We are on our way to Idaho after science camp. Left on 8:00 Sunday night and only drove as far as The Lynn driveway in Burlington.
Monday we did shopping and took scenic route to Hwy 2 and over the Mtns.
A favorite campground was closed so we drove up Icicle creek from Leavenworth to Johnny Creek campground -- NFS.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Sun Lakes

Our 3rd night stop on this mini summer trip and we are not yet 300 miles from home

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