Monday, October 31, 2016


Summer winter home

We made it to Tucson yesterday (Sunday). 6 days on the road.. One was really long and the last was short enough that we had the afternoon to mostly unpack and go to the pool. Our worker guy John had left on the AC for us. We now have our floors fixed after several creaky years and shade cloth on our carport. Problem is that we now have 2 cars down here. Saw a lot of people already back and heard a lot of news. It's a small community like Guemes.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Saturday, October 29, 2016


Joshua tree

Finally out of the rain yesterday afternoon. Took a shortcut through Joshua Tree NP. Still a Very long day. Was over 90 when we arrived in Blythe. Tomorrow Tucson.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


On the coast

Having dinner --and beer-- at Mundo cafe in Newport. Staying in Newport after overnight stay with John and Sue and lunch with Milli in Cannon Beach

Tuesday, October 25, 2016



On our way to Tucson . Stopped for lunch at Nisqually where leaves are falling.

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