Monday, April 10, 2017


Home and still no photos

We arrived home Sunday afternoon and then had to do a turn around today to town to pick up mail, get groceries, and other small tasks. We stopped in Olympia to see Kirsten on Saturday. Still making the transition to the other life. The sun has been shining but it is cold and that bitter wind we bemoaned in Tucson when it got down to 65 is much less friendly when it is barely 50. There is much yard work to do when we get brave enough to spend time outdoors. Right now settling into the house --and Kit has to do a tax blitz the next few days.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Friday, April 07, 2017



Stormy old weather last night and not much better today. Made the shortish drive from Ashland to Eugene. Had lunch at the Glenwood Cafe which is still there and still serving the same tomato cheese soup as it has for more years than we remember. Spent a long time driving around looking for a motel (the place we usually stay was full). We ended up in Springfield in one of those chain hotels by the freeway. Comfort Suites--a little more deluxe than we are used to. The bonus is that there is a brewpub right across the street !!! There is a big rowing regatta in Eugene this weekend and the UW crew team is staying at our hotel. Kit calls them the legacy team--following in the legacy of the "boys in the boat".
We had a visit with our niece Kate and Spider-Man Max (who is going on 5) this afternoon and meeting friends for breakfast tomorrow.

Carol Harma--from my iPad


Driving driving

450 miles yesterday and over a mountain range to beat the storm and settle in Ashland. Then has the major hassle of finding a motel near food. Not so easy as Paso Robles. It got the last room in a motel between a pizza place with good beer and a Market of Choice(awesome grocery chain).
Now we have only a few hours to Eugene where we will stop to see our niece

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Wednesday, April 05, 2017


No Drive Day

Lovely day in Monterey. The bad weather comes tomorrow and we travel. Today rode 12 miles on bike trail (in both directions. Walked a part of a history trail--State historical park. Ate multiple times (including Happy Hour). I hate having to eat our every single meal.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Tuesday, April 04, 2017


Travel Vacation

Yesterday we did 400 some
Miles across California. Spent the night in Paso Robles. Great spot with a character motel and lots of restaurants and tasting rooms. We had wonderful dinner in an Irish Pub.
Today is was only 110 miles to Monterey. Had some time to kill before check in so explored Cannery Row and drove ocean front in Pacific Grove. Walked to dinner on the commercial wharf. Kit had sand dabs and I had scallops.

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Cannery Row

This is the famous DocRicketts outside window where we are eating lunch. Taking a vacation from our Travels in Monterey. More later

Sunday, April 02, 2017


Lake Havesu

It's dark and I didn't get a photo of London Bridge this trip--or anything else yet. Managed to escape the Tucson place after the usual transition events (cleaning, packing ,etc). Drove as far as Lake Havesu City where we have friends. We are on our way home--Day 1.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

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