Sunday, October 22, 2017


Another world

On October 3 my new great nephew Nate was born--and I got my new knee "Kick"..
It was a Star Trek like experience. I told my anesthesiologist that it was her job to make sure all my molecules got reassembled when they beamed my to the new place. I woke up in a world where things don't work the same as the one where I lived before. I woke up in little old lady land. LOL-land is pretty boring. I have to push a walker around and am dependent on someone else to do almost everything. I didn't expect it would all happen in such slow motion. Have no expectations and enjoy tiny victories. Kit does all the cooking and etc but I can now fix my own breakfast and lunch if he leaves things where I can reach them. There are some advantages to a small house but getting the walker through our doors isn't one of them. Another thing about LOL land is that it is very warm because I get cold so easy.

I had a few projects lined up but my attention span is short. I have to move around occasionally and do exercises when I can. Physically therapy is my one escape from the island--even though it means sitting in those ferry lines. I am trying to wean off the narcotics and mostly the knee doesn't hurt by my hip does--go figure. So... No travel for me for awhile. Dr. Says not to expect to be able to travel before Thanksgiving though I do have hopes.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

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