Monday, June 17, 2019



We have been here two weeks and have been to two very fine (and free) concerts. The auditorium here is amazing with plush theater seats and all the bells and whistles. Tonight was a jazz concert and two weeks ago a group of teen-age brothers played old time fiddle music. We still miss our Guemes friends in the 720 band though.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Saturday, June 15, 2019


Living in an arboretum

This pink dogwood in our back yard will soon be past its prime. It's a sign of how lush the ground are. All
Of the landscaping is impeccable.
140 acres of arboretum like grounds.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019



Staying put: Appliances

Some of the battle of moving to a new place is getting used to new appliances. (That we didn't choose) The washing machine is running now and makes a huge racket. It's a humongous machine--if we separated colors and whites we'd have to wait 2-3 weeks. The oven and microwave are pretty straight forward though they take up a lot of potential cabinet space. Our stove is totally alien--one of those slick black things with no visible burners. You have to turn the stove on to see where the burners are --which seems awfully inefficient. Our refrigerator is totally oversized for 2 people but like all new refrigerators it has teeny tiny vegetable bins--and you have to store anything tall in the door. The freezer is a drawer at the bottom which I can barely open. The dishwasher is a pain and takes up more potential cabinet space. I left the dish pan and rack behind but we end up washing some dishes because we only have one of many of the things we often use twice a day. We don't have cupboard space for more dishes.
We just bought our own moderate sized appliance: a new wine cooler. Too hot here to keep wine in the garage and no basement here. Now we have to buy more wine :)

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Monday, June 10, 2019


New beginning: Monday morning

We now live across the street from the recycling center. Quite convenient with all the moving cardboard and paper. It's all very tidy and surrounded by screens. Early Monday morning the truck comes for the quite full recycle bin. He drops an empty bin ( think Huge) in the middle of our street. Then he has to pick up the very full one which he moves out and drops in the middle of the street. Then he picks up the empty one and drops it onto the recycle enclosure so he can go back and pick up the full one to take to recycle land. It all happens fairly quickly. I should have taken pictures. No chance now til next Monday.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, June 03, 2019


Leaving soon

The guys had all our possessions loaded in 2 hours and we raced for the 11:15 ferry.


U haul arrives


Sunset on Guemes

Goodbye to the eagles and the tugboats, the come and go of the tide, storm and calm, island life. We are moving away.

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