Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Farm field day

Yesterday late afternoon and eve we went to a farm south of here for a dinner and "field trip" to learn about pasture rotation and conservation (and why butterflies are important to ranchers). As you can see the cows were interested in what we were doing. It was quite interesting but I got tired standing for so long.

Tonight we went to the Nisqually Refuge for a program on raptors. Joys of No Ferry.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Art day

We finally got all of our pictures hung —Kit counted 56 hangings. And we didn't use all the 6 hours we were allotted by Panorama maintenance.
Here is our living room which is still waiting for book shelves on order.



We went to a party at Millis in Salem on the 5 th. Quite an adventure coming home. Stayed at a strange motel ( we should have read the reviews ) on the way home so we could go to IKEA in the morn. Spent the next morning putting together this desk and chair.

Sunday, July 07, 2019


Water cycle


Science camp

Went back to Guemes on July 1 and 2 for camp. This was my 8th and last year. Has fun doin a mural with the kids. This year's theme was water. Hope the rest of the team will be able to do it without me next year.

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