Saturday, December 28, 2024


Christmas Picnic


December sliding into a warm finish

I vowed to blog every day but haven't taken many photos. The desert is very dry and we have pictures galore from this part of the world. We had a Christmas picnic at a park along the bike trail with an awesome view of the mountains (maybe I have a photo)
The day was a bit chilly.

Today was a very social day. Lots of people about when I want walking and people in the pool too. We still know a lot of people. (or they know us) though there are so many new faces as well. Today I met 3 new Carols. 4 of us in the same place at the same time. Kit went biking on his clown bike out to Agua Caliente and I went to the library.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Back in Saguaro country

Went out to the park for a walk on Mika View trail. So many old landmarks are gone. Found one Christmas cholla but it wasn't photo worthy.
Lots of dogs on the trail which is a new thing and only one car in the usually jammed parking lot.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


No biking for me

This is the bike path where I can no longer ride but was walking along the path. I took this picture of the sign that says "Watch for ICE on bridge" which you likely can't read. It hit 80 degrees today. Got some grocery shopping done in time for Pool Time.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Full moon at Far Horizons

We arrived in Tucson on the 14th under overcast skies but cleared up for full moon on the 15th. We are settling in to our "home away". Will keep busy here. Pool is fine but hot tub is not working.

Friday, December 13, 2024


Day 3

photos. 1. Met up with Pony Express at a rest area north of Ely
2. Nature Reserve north of Vegal
3. Dinner with bib at crab restaurant in Hendersonville
Impressions I didn't photograph: The basin and range terrain of Nevada. The "buffalo trees" (maybe Juniper) because from a distance they look like buffalo.

Our car is truly filthy. Left this morning with a small bit of snow on the ground.and enough slush on the ground that passing trucks spattered our windshield and our car. Once we got onto dry pavement all went better and I could breathe easier. From Ely we took a route we hadn't taken before —a shortcut which went through Lund (an almost non-place). Met up with 93 and then stopped at a new Nature Reserve which has a wonderful visitor center and outdoor exhibits, and great bathrooms. Nevada is famous from pretty awful bathrooms at the rest areas. Made it through Vegas with only semi heavy traffic and to our hotel in Henderson where we have stayed before. Even with a lot of new restaurants it was a challenge finding a place to eat . We stumbled into a fun crab restaurant when we made a wrong turn. Tomorrow we should arrive in Tucson.
Carol Harma--from my iPad


Thursday photos



We are on 93 thru Nevada. 395 goes via California
Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, December 12, 2024


Day 2

I just posted 2 photos. The first is our car just before we left Baker City. Snow was pretty localized. Second is the Snake River from a rest area in Idaho. My most memorable image (with no photo) are the many brown fields with black cows trying to forage.

So.. we were up at 6 again today and on the road by 8. There was snow on our car and light snow along the roads and lots on the hills. By the time we got to Boise it was 50 degrees. (no snow). The traffic was moderate—mostly trucks. It took us a long time to get less than 400 miles due to our rule of "Thou shall stop at every rest area" and a gas stop. Then we had another freeway mixup. Our exit at Twin Falls was under construction and the sign was discreet and we whizzed past. Luckily we had the GPS on and were able to regain the route.
We are at Hampton Inn in Wells, Nevada. One of our favorite hotels and the rooms rate 10 stars. Except no microwave so we'll have to go downstairs to heat up some leftover spaghetti from last night's dinner.

Two. more days of driving (we hope that's all) and no more freeways til Phoenix. 395 through Nevada is our favorite route.

Carol Harma--from my iPad


Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Day 1 No Photos

I thought the stars were in our favor when a small miracle brought Kit's meds (from Singapore since Canada mail is on strike) the day before we were leaving. We got off to a good start this morning. Choosing to go I84 East instead of i5 south. Much nicer road with much less traffic. But somewhere after the Dalles we stopped at a really horrid gas station Subway for lunch and checked weather and road reports. Icy thick fog in the pass and spots of ice. ALMOST turned around and backtracked 2 hours to I5 but decided to give it a try. No worries. We had a truck to follow through the worst of the fog. Broke out of the fog long before the 4500 ft pass where it was warmer at 38 than it had been all day. Arrived in Baker City just after dark at 4:15. Really nice room at the Best Western across from BiMart where Kit has gone just because he can. There is a restaurant here in the hotel where we will have his birthday dinner.
Imagine these photos I didn't take. Truck tail lights through heavy fog. A nearly frozen river by the highway. Cows and sagebrush in the basin backed by snow covered hills.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

Wednesday, December 04, 2024


Tripping south

Next Wednesday if all goes to plan, we will be heading back to Arizona—a long drive south. Although we had thought we would never go back, an opportunity has arisen. Stay tuned.

Carol Harma--from my iPad

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